Mailing Address
Department of Philosophy,
University of San Diego
5998 Alcalá Park, San Diego, CA
164a Founders Hall
619.260.2749 [voice];
619.805.6838 [cell] ; 619.260.7960 [FAX]
I'm a philosophy professor at the
University of San Diego. My specialty area is
(analytic!) metaphysics. This semester I'm teaching
two sections of logic and a section of intro: class
websites are linked. There are also links to
websites for courses on Metaphysics and on the
Economics and Ethics of Gender in the Developing
World, which I team-taught some time back and
information about the book project that grew out of
it. The section on My Papers includes a selected
list of my publications with links. My other book, The
Multicultural Mystique: The Liberal Case Against
Diversity is linked too. |
2018 Schedule |
Logic |
9:05 am - 10:35 am |
C 119
Logic |
TueThu 10:45 am -
12:05 pm |
C 119
Introduction to Philosophy
TueThu 2:30 pm - 3:50 pm |
C 112
Office Hours |
TueThu 4:00
pm - 6:30 pm
Final Exams |
9:15 Section: Thu
Dec 20, 8:00 am – 10:00 am, C
10:45 Section: Tue Dec
18, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, C