Chemistry 440
Inorganic Chemistry

Fall 2006

A few useful Links
References that may or may not help you in this class if you'd like a different perspective. These sites are for your own reference and are not part of the course material.
(Let me know if you find them helpful for this class, or if you find any others so I can include them. Also let me know of broken links.)

Web Elements (more than just a periodic table!) : Lots of useful information on each element

Making Matter : The atomic structure of materials (Institut Laue-Langevin, France)
Structures of Simple Inorganic Solids (S.J. Heyes, Oxford)

What is VSEPR? (Purdue's G-Chem help)

An Introduction to Molecular Orbital Theory (Dept of Chem, Queen Mary, Univ of London)
MO Theory on the Web (Bader's pages at McMaster)

Flash Animations from Raymond Chang's "Essential Chemistry" (some of these animations are helpful)

What is a Coordination compound? (Purdue's G-Chem help)
Organometallic Hypertextbook (by Rob Toreki)

An Introduction to Surface Chemistry (Dept of Chem, Queen Mary, Univ of London)

Bioinorganic Web Sites listing hosted at TSRI
Bioinorganic Chemistry Glossary (Dept of Chem, Queen Mary, Univ of London)

Inorganic Chemistry Resources collected at IAS, India.

NIST Chemistry WebBook


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Last modified: 16 August 2006