Chemistry 440
Inorganic Chemistry

Fall 2006

(subject to change by the instructor at any time)
Approximate associated sections of the text are in parenthesis.

Blank lines delimit separate weeks.

08 Sep   Introduction (1-1, 1-2, 1-5, 1-6), Atomic Theory (2-1)

11 Sep   Quantum Numbers, Electron Configuration (2-2-2 to 2-2-4)
13 Sep   Periodic Trends (2-3)
15 Sep   Simple Bonding Theory (3)

18 Sep   Simple Bonding Theory (3)
20 Sep   Alternative Theories of Chemical Bonding
22 Sep   Symmetry, Point Groups (4-1, 4-2)

25 Sep   Point Groups (4-2)
27 Sep   Matrices, Representations of Point Groups (4-3-1, 4-3-2)
29 Sep   Character Tables (4-3-3)

02 Oct   Molecular Vibrations (4-4-2)
04 Oct   Introduction to Molecular Orbital Theory (5-1 to 5-2-2)
06 Oct   Exam #1 (on topics covered in 1 to 4)

09 Oct   Homonuclear diatomics (rest of 5-2)
11 Oct   Heteronuclear diatomics, Larger Molecules (5-3, 5-4)
13 Oct   Larger Molecules, Hybridization (5-4)

16 Oct   Acid-Base concepts (6-2)
18 Oct   Hard-Soft Acid-Base Theory (6-3)
20 Oct   Fall Holiday -- no class

23 Oct   Acid-Base strength (6-4)
25 Oct   Crystalline Solid State Structures (7-1)
27 Oct   Packing, Thermodynamics of Crystal Formation (7-1 to 7-2)

30 Oct   Band Theory of Metals and Semiconductors (7-3)
01 Nov  Coordination Chemistry: History, Nomenclature (9-1, 9-2)
03 Nov  Exam #2 (on topics covered in 5 to 7)

06 Nov  Isomerism (9-3)
08 Nov  Bonding Theories in Coordination Complexes (10-1 to 10-3-2)
10 Nov  Ligand Field Theory (rest of 10-3)

13 Nov  Angular Overlap (10-4-1 to 10-4-3)
15 Nov  Spectrochemical Series, Jahn Teller Effect, Geometries (10-4-4 to 10-6)
17 Nov  Issues in Ligand Field Theory       Written Topic Proposal Due

20 Nov  Substitution Reactions and Kinetics (12-1 to 12-3)
22 Nov  Octahedral Substitution (12-4 to 12-5)
24 Nov  Thanksgiving -- no class

27 Nov  Square Planar Substitution, Trans Effect (12-6 to 12-7)
29 Nov  Special Topic
01 Dec   Exam #3 (on topics covered in 9, 10 and 12)

04 Dec   Special Topic       Signup for Presentations Due
06 Dec   Soundbyte Presentations
08 Dec   Feature Presentations

11 Dec   Feature Presentations
13 Dec   Feature Presentations
15 Dec   Feature Presentations

18 Dec   Written Critique of Topic Due

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Last modified: 16 August 2006