Economics 494


Spring 2015

C.  Financial Statement Analysis

1.  Major financial statements

a.  Income statement

  • Summary of the profitability of a firm over a period of time

  • Revenue - expenses = net earnings (profits)

  • Expenses:

(1) Cost of goods sold

(2) General and administrative expenses

(3) Interest expense

(4) Taxes on earnings


  • Should use economic earnings as opposed to accounting earnings


b.  Balance sheet

  • Financial condition of the firm at a particular moment

  • Assets = Liabilities + stockholders' equity


c. Statement of cash flows

  • Tracks cash implications of transactions

  • Accounts receivable and payable not counted

  • Depreciation not counted

  • Divided into cash flows from operations, from investments, and from financing activities

2. Measuring firm performance

  • Consider investment decisions and financing decisions

- Investment (capital budgeting) decisions - deals with use of capital

- Financing decisions - deals with sources of capital










3. Profitability measures

a. Return on assets (ROA)




b. Return on capital (ROC)




c. Return on equity (ROE)




  • Financial leverage - based on debt-equity mix







 d. Economic value added

  • Economic value added = (ROC - k) *capital invested



4.  Ratio analysis

a. Decomposition of ROE





(1) Tax-burden ratio




(2) Interest-burden ratio




  • Interest coverage ratio




(3) Profit margin or return on sales (ROS)

  • Operating profit per dollar of sales




(4) Total asset turnover (ATO)

  • Annual sales generated by each dollar of assets

  • Measure of efficiency




(5) Leverage ratio

  • Measure degree of financial leverage



  • Return on equity (ROE)









 b.  Turnover and other asset utilization ratios

  • Look at turnover for subcategories of assets


(1) Fixed-asset turnover ratio

  • Sales per dollar of money tied up in fixed assets




(2) Inventory turnover ratio

  • Measures speed at which inventory is turned over




(3) Days sales in receivables (average collection period)

  • Measures efficiency of management of accounts receivable



c.  Liquidity ratios

  • Liquidity - ability to convert assets to cash at short notice


(1) Current ratio

  • Ability to pay off current liabilities by liquidating current assets




(2) Quick ratio (acid test ratio)

  • Same as current ratio but inventory not counted as current assets




(3)  Cash ratio

  • Same as quick ratio but receivables not counted as current assets




d.  Market price ratios

(1) Market-book-value ratio (P/B)




(2) Price-earnings ratio (P/E)




  • Relationship between P/B and P/E






e. Benchmarks

(1) Compare with past values

  • Time series analysis


(2) Compare with other firms in industry