F32G8.6 Cloning Strategy, Bio 182

BamHI site is located in exon 1 of protein-coding sequence of F32G8.6 at 17351.
To preserve reading frame of protein, use "Frame 2" vector.

Fragments that can be cloned directionally into reporter vector MCS:
HindIII (12979) - BamHI (17351): 4372 bp
XbaI (13853) - BamHI (17351): 3678 bp
SalI (14307) - BamHI (17351): 3044 bp
PstI (15230) - BamHI (17351): 2121 bp

Larger non-directional fragment:
BamHI(10618) - BamHI (17351): 6913 bp
