High Quality Wormbase Images

How to get a scalable, high quality image of your gene of interest (GOI) from Wormbase:

Wormbase can prepare for you a high quality image of the type '.svg' (scalable vector graphic) - the image is not pixel-based, and is high quality at any magnification. Note that not all image programs work with SVGs (an example of a program that can manipulate SVGs - Adobe Illustrator).

[Can't work with the SVG? See the bottom of the page for a lower quality option.]

Enter the name of your GOI into the search on the top page of Wormbase (example here: dhs-13).

From the Gene Summary page, click on the Genomic Position link (red arrows below).

Here's what the resulting genomic view page looks like:

On your genomic view page you can add or substract all kinds of information from an image using the Tracks selections found as you scroll down the page:

When you've made your selections, click

You can also zoom in or out on the genomic region, or scroll through the region.

To get a high quality image (SVG) of the view you've created, click (red arrow below).

Then, in the resulting window, click

Download the SVG image and edit at will in your favorite image manipulation program.

Can't work with the SVG? Instead click (red arrow below) for a pixel-based image.