Biology 482 - Molecular Biology - Individual Assignments

Assignments, Week 2 - Tuesday lab

Directory of C. remanei sequence data (local)

Name Gene for Cloning Strategy*
John Cr0035a gene 6
Evelyn Cr0051a.rc gene 5
Domi Cr0048a gene 7
Elena Cr0020a gene 7
Rachelle Cr0041a gene 2
Michael Cr0028a gene 5
backupA Cr0041c gene 3

*Important Note: before proceeding with cloning strategy analyses for this gene, confirm that it is a gene with many exons - and that this gene designation matches up with the sequence ending in "_genomic.seq" in the Cr_seq directory. Upgrades in the function of FGENESH can alter how the genomic DNA is analyzed and hence the numbering of the genes. Speak to me if you see any problems.

Assignments, Week 2 - Wednesday lab

Directory of C. remanei sequence data (local)

Name Gene for Cloning Strategy*
Brittany Cr0020b gene 5
Katie Cr0041d gene 8
Chad Cr0028b gene 5
Chris Cr0041b gene 6
Adam Cr0012 gene 8
Beth Cr0048b gene 5
Derek Cr0051b gene 5
Ashley Cr0013 gene 4
backupB Cr0035b gene 7

*Important Note: before proceeding with cloning strategy analyses for this gene, confirm that it is a gene with many exons - and that this gene designation matches up with the sequence ending in "_genomic.seq" in the Cr_seq directory. Upgrades in the function of FGENESH can alter how the genomic DNA is analyzed and hence the numbering of the genes. Speak to me if you see any problems.

Assignments, Week 1 - Tuesday lab

Directory of C. remanei sequence data (local)

NameExercises 2, 3 - Accession no. (nucleotide)Exercise 4 - Accession numbersExercises 6, 7 for FGENESH & BLAST
JohnAF121780V00317, AF121780Cr0035a.seq
EvelynU33536V00317, U33536Cr0051a.rc.seq
DomiU26405V00317, U26405Cr0048a.seq
ElenaD28878V00317, D28878Cr0020a.seq
RachelleL11920V00317, L11920Cr0041a.seq
MichaelJ04479V00317, J04479Cr0028a.seq
backupAAF193842V00317, AF193842Cr0041c.seq

Assignments, Week 1 - Wednesday lab

Directory of C. remanei sequence data (local)

NameExercises 2, 3 - Accession no. (nucleotide)Exercise 4 - Accession numbersExercises 6, 7 for FGENESH & BLAST
BrittanyAF193842V00317, AF193842Cr0020b.seq
KatieAF038541V00317, AF038541Cr0041d.seq
ChadAF038542V00317, AF038542Cr0028b.seq
ChrisAF038544V00317, AF038544Cr0041b.seq
AdamAF051319V00317, AF051319Cr0012.seq
BethL11920V00317, L11920Cr0048b.seq
DerekAF071212V00317, AF071212Cr0051b.seq
AshleyAF358674V00317, AF358674Cr0013.seq
backupBD28878V00317, D28878Cr0035b.seq