Special Project Lab - Cloning Genes using PCR


Goal: Clone HOM-C genes from other nematodes, especially orthologs of the gene lin-39.




To be discussed in lab – more written material to follow







[PCR is reviewed below.]


A List of tasks is shown below:


1. Design primers for PCR, based on alignments of known amino acid sequences.

2. Isolate genomic DNA from organism.

3. Amplify fragments of gene-of-interest using PCR. Analyze PCR results by gel electrophoresis.

4. Clone PCR fragments into vector (using TOPO-TA cloning).

5. Transform, then respread traansformants, grow up overnight cultures.

6. Purify plasmid DNA from candidate clones.

7. Analyze clones initially by restriction digests.

8. Select and prepare DNA from candidate clones for DNA sequencing.

9. Send out DNA for sequencing, await results.

10. Analyze sequence returned by BLAST, etc. Identify which HOM-C genes were isolated.




Note that we may not be able to perform everything listed in the limited time available.


A detailed flowchart for a project like this is found on the next page, including alternate decisions to be made based on results obtained along the way.


Note that the scheme illustrated is somewhat general; some of the choices shown may not be relevant to the exact project in a given year.



Polymerase Chain Reaction with Degenerate Oligonucleotides


Lab Objectives

1) Learn about the theory and practice of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate oligonucleotide primers to isolate homologous genes from organisms where they have not yet been identified.

2) Extract genomic DNA for use in PCR.

3) Set up PCR with a variety of conditions.



Polymerase Chain Reaction


            This extremely versatile and widely-used technique has been referred to as "the Swiss army knife" of molecular biology. The technique was invented by Kary Mullis, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for the technique, and is patented by the biotechnology company Perkin-Elmer Cetus. One important use and perhaps its greatest power lies in the detection of specific DNA sequences found at extremely low concentration. Theoretically, PCR can be used to detect even a single molecule of DNA. Hence, it has great utility not only in molecular biology, but also in forensics*, paleobiology , and other fields.  This power depends on the exponential amplification of specific DNA molecules by repeated cycles of synthesis. (*Interestingly, Mullis was called to testify at the O. J. Simpson trial, although he never actually took the stand.  DNA over 10 million years old has been amplified using PCR. The technique also provided the scientific underpinnings of the science fiction novel and movie Jurassic Park, in which dinosaur DNA is amplified, sequenced and reconstructed to resurrect these extinct reptiles.)


To understand how PCR works, we must first review the basics of DNA structure and synthesis. DNA is a double-stranded molecule in which complementary nucleotides pair between two strands running in opposite directions (Fig. 1). An exact copy of a DNA molecule can be made







Fig. 1. A double-stranded DNA molecule. The numbers 3' and 5'  (pronounced "three prime" and "five prime") indicate the direction of the DNA strand; the lines between the two strands indicate complementary base-pairing.



by taking either single strand and matching its sequence of bases with the complementary nucleotides. This is normally accomplished in a cell (or molecular biologist's test tube) by the enzyme DNA polymerase. The enzyme requires three ingredients: template DNA (the DNA being copied), deoxynucleotide triphosphates (DNA precursors: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP), and a primer (a short length of single stranded DNA, or oligonucleotide, that complements a stretch of template DNA). DNA polymerase can't make new DNA from a bare single strand of template - it has to have some place to start. It synthesizes new DNA by adding nucleotides to the end of the primer (Fig. 2).


Primer anneals to complementary site:


      5'- AACGTTAACGTAGCT - 3'





New bases added by DNA polymerase:






Fig. 2 - A single-stranded DNA molecule with a short double-stranded region. DNA polymerase can now add new complementary nucleotides to the oligonucleotide primer starting at the 3' end of the double-stranded region using deoxynucleotide precursors. (The ':' simply indicates new base-pairs.)



Any PCR reaction has the same basic sequence of events which are repeated:


Basic Cycle Sequence:


Primer annealing 

DNA synthesis



Denaturation: Double-stranded template DNA must be denatured or "melted" into two separate single strands before synthesis can occur. Since the base-pairing of DNA is very stable, this must be done at a high temperature, near the boiling point of water, for example 93ˇ C. 


Primer annealing: After the DNA is denatured, primers must be allowed to base-pair with the single-stranded templates to form those short stretches of double-stranded DNA need for synthesis. This is done at a much lower temperature (e.g., 40-70ˇ C), specific to the primers being used.


DNA synthesis: The temperature of the reaction is raised to the optimal temperature for the DNA polymerase enzyme to synthesize new DNA. The enzyme now adds deoxynucleotides to the 3' end of the primers, using bases complementary to those in the template DNA. For the enzyme typically used for PCR, Taq DNA polymerase, this optimal temperature is 72ˇ C.


Repeat: This is the key to the amplification of the DNA. This sequence of events is repeated from 20-40 times to synthesize more and more DNA. This also explains why we use a specific type of DNA polymerase for PCR. The high temperature of the denaturation step will destroy DNA polymerase from most animals or ordinary bacteria; therefore, we use a DNA polymerase isolated from thermophilic (Greek: heat-loving) bacteria. These bacteria normally live at very high temperatures in hot springs or underwater volcanic vents, some near the boiling point of water. The most commonly used DNA polymerase for PCR, Taq polymerase, is from Thermus aquaticus.


The repeated cycles of denaturation, annealing, and synthesis result in exponential amplification of specific segments of DNA, given the proper conditions are fulfilled: two primers anneal near to one another on opposite strands of a double-stranded template DNA. Otherwise, only a linear amplification of the DNA can take place. Follow the example illustrated below (Figure 3).



Fig. 3 -  The first cycle of denaturation, annealing and synthesis, starting with the double-stranded template shown below.















Anneal primers:




                                              3'-   TAGGAGAGAGACGTA      - 5'


5'-      AACGTTAACGTAGCT   - 3'





Synthesize (new base-pairings indicated with a ":"):












The key to PCR amplification is that synthesis of the new strand from one primer makes a new copy of the template for the other primer. (These are underlined in Figure 4.) Thus when the cycle is repeated, note that the denaturation produces 4 single-stranded templates from the original two:



Fig. 4 - Molecules at the end of the first cycle. Newly synthesized primer annealing sites are underlined.











Next cycle: denature, anneal and synthesize. Each new strand is italicized. All primer sites available for the next round of synthesis are underlined (there are now eight.) Note also that two of the synthesized strands are now of a defined length - the number of bases from the 5' end of one primer to the 5' end of the other primer. In this case, the length is 57 bases. This will be the length of essentially all the amplified DNA molecules after several cycles.






















Note there are now 4 double-stranded copies of the original DNA template molecule (and 8 templates for the next cycle - primer sites are underlined). Thus, the number of molecules of the synthesized using the specific primers doubles with each cycle. For a single starting molecule, the number of molecules at the end will be 2n, where n is the number of cycles.  For a typical PCR reaction with 40 cycles, that would be 240 = 1.2 x 1024 molecules. If only a single primer is used, the number of molecules will increase linearly. That is, starting with a single molecule, the number of molecules at the end would be 2n, or for 40 cycles, 2x40 = 80 molecules. This is represented in a drawing below (Fig. 5)



Fig. 5 - Graphic representation of DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction. Number of copies of template DNA double with each round (cycle) of synthesis.

Degenerate primer PCR


            PCR can also be used to amplify segments of DNA for which one does not know the exact DNA sequence. For example, a scientist may know the amino acid sequence of a bit of protein, but she would like to isolate the gene encoding that protein. Or, to try to identify a homologous gene from a different organism, the molecular biologist may 'guess' at the correct amino acid sequence based on that known from another organism. Since the genetic code is "degenerate," that is, more than one triplet codon may encode the same amino acid, the amino acid sequence does not unambiguously identify the DNA sequence.  To perform PCR in such a situation, the scientist usually employs degenerate oligonucleotide primers; that is, a mixture of primers with slightly different sequences, hoping that at least one of the primers will anneal to the target DNA and prime the DNA polymerase reaction.

            For example, it has been proposed that homeodomain-containing genes may be controlling anterior-posterior pattern formation in essentially all multicellular organisms. By determining the conserved regions of amino acid sequence in the proteins encoded by these genes, we can identify sequences that we would expect to find in other organisms as well. For example, if we compare the sequence of the 60 amino acid DNA-binding region of the Drosophila homeodomain proteins Antennapedia (Antp), Deformed (Def) and Abdominal-B (Abd-B), there are two regions in which several amino acids in a row are identical in all three proteins (see Fig. 6 below). This suggests these amino acids comprise important functional parts of the protein and are thus likely to be the same in other organisms that use these proteins. These amino acid sequences can be "reverse-translated" to yield all possible DNA sequences that could encode the given amino acid sequence (Fig. 7). Primers of these "degenerate" sequences can then be synthesized and used in PCR to try to detect genes encoding homeodomains in any organism using whole DNA from that organism as template.




Fig. 6 - Comparisons of amino acid sequences of three Drosophila homeodomain proteins. The top sequence of the Antp  homeodomain is shown in full (in single letter amino acid code). Sequences below are indicated with a dash (-) when identical with the Antp amino acid. Different amino acids at that position are indicated by the alternate amino acid letter. Two stretches of amino acids that are identical in all three proteins are underlined in the Antp sequence. 

Def   P--Q--A---H-I---------Y--------------T-V-S-----------------D-
Abd   VRKK-KP-SKF----------L--A-VSKQK-W-L-RN-Q-----V----------N--NS

If primers encoding part of the sequences underlined in Fig. 6 are used, then DNA will be amplified to a characteristic length of 3 x (total number of amino acids encoded by primers and region in between). In the example above, 43 amino acids are included; therefore the amplified fragment of DNA would be 129 base pairs in length. The products of the PCR reaction can be run on an agarose electrophoresis gel to separate DNA fragments by size and evaluated for the presence of DNA bands of the predicted size. Primers 18-30 bases long are used typically for PCR reactions.





Fig. 7 - "Reverse-translation" of a conserved amino acid sequence from three Drosophila homeodomain proteins. (a) All possible codons encoding the amino acid sequence KIWFQN. DNA sequences are indicated below the amino acid sequence in lower case letters. (b) Sequence of degenerate oligonucleotides encoding KIWFQN. At position 3 in the sequence, the base may be either a or g; at position 6, the base may be either a, c or t., etc. No matter what the actual DNA sequence in the gene of interest, if the gene encodes KIWFQN, at least one of the various oligonucleotides will hybridize and be able to prime the DNA polymerase reaction. (c) Degeneracy of the oligonucleotide primer (the number of different primers in the mix). To calculate degeneracy, multiply the number of different bases at each position. Degeneracy of this primer is 48, an acceptably low value. Degenerate PCR typically can work with degeneracy of each primer at easily 1000-fold. To synthesize such a degenerate mix of primers is easy, if you know how laboratory synthesis of single-stranded DNA occurs.

 K   I   W   F   Q   N 
aaa ata tgg ttc caa aac
aag atc     ttt cag aat

DNA base at position number: 
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
a  a  a  a  t  a  t  g  g  t  t  c  c  a  a  a  a  c
      g        c                 t        g        t

(c) Degeneracy:

2 (base 3) x 3 (base 6) x 2 (base 12) x 2 (base 15) x 2 (base 18) = 48

Quick DNA Isolation for Polymerase Chain Reaction


            To perform a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), you need very little template DNA and it does not have to be especially pure or intact (this is why PCR is so powerful in forensics and paleobiology). Nevertheless, PCR works better with sufficient high quality DNA (clean and intact) than with little low quality DNA (i.e., contaminated with proteins and significantly degraded). We will attempt to purify DNA of sufficient quality and quantity to use as template in PCR.


Washing worms and lysis procedure

1) Get a 60 mm plate of worms.

2) Wash the worms off the plate with about 1.5 - 2 ml of cold water (nanopure H2O) and transfer to a labeled 1.5 ml centrifuge tube. (One pasteur pipet-full is about 1.5 ml.)

3) Balance your tube with a partner and centrifuge for 30 sec in a microcentrifuge at 2000-3000 RPM (~2000 g). Be sure to balance the tubes by putting equal volumes of liquid in each tube and putting them in opposite slots in the centrifuge rotor. An unbalanced centrifuge will vibrate, rattle, or try to walk across the table. If that happens, stop the centrifuge immediately and check the balance again.

4) After spinning, carefully remove and discard the supernatant with a pasteur pipet (make sure not to suck up the worms in the pellet) and re-wash the pelleted worms with 1.5 ml of water.  Note: Worms don't make a hard pellet. DO NOT disturb the pellet when removing the supernatant or you will lose worms. Keep tip of the pipet away from the bottom and try to remove all the supernatant in one action, without pipetting fluid back into the tube. If you do resuspend the worm pellet, simply stop and spin down again. Between spins, keep the tubes on ice. This will keep the worms from wiggling around and breaking up the pellet.

5) Repeat the centrifugation and washing procedure a total of three times. This procedure will remove most bacteria that washed off the culture plates with the worms. See the next step for special instructions for the final spin.

6) At the last centrifugation, spin at maximum speed in microcentrifuge. Then remove as much fluid as possible without removing the worms. You may want to use a P200 pipetman for the last bit.

7) Add 220 µl cell lysis solution (CLS) to which Proteinase K has been added (final concentration 1 mg/ml).

8) Mix with vortexer, place tube in 65ˇ C water bath.

9) Incubate for 40 - 60 minutes, vortexing 2-3 times during the digestion. (If you have a lot of debris remaining after the digestion, centrifuge 1 min at maximum speed in microcentrifuge and transfer the supernatant to a clean tube using a pipettor and pipet tip.)

Note that during long incubations, you can be setting up your PCR tubes (see below), adding primers and water. Do not add reaction mix until after your template is prepared and added to the tubes.

10) Place on ice for 1 min, then remove to room temperature.


RNAse treatment and Protein precipitation

1) Add 1 µl RNAse A solution, mix by gently inverting the tube several times.

2) Incubate at 37ˇ C for 15 min. This step digests RNA, which can interfere with the PCR.

3) Add 75 µl Protein Precipitation solution (PPS - Ammonium acetate), vortex for 15 sec to mix.

4) Place tube on ice for 5 min.

5) Centrifuge 3 min at maximum speed in microcentrifuge. You should see a large white pellet after this centrifugation. If you do not, then the tube is likely heating up too much during the spin. Cool the tube again on ice, and if necessary spin in a cooled microcentrifuge. Remove the tube immediately after the spin.

6) Gently pipet the supernatant to a clean 1.5 ml tube; be sure to leave pellet of crud behind. You don't need all the supernatant -- it is better to leave some behind than bring along contaminating pellet. Be sure to use a plastic pipet tip; never transfer with a glass pipet. Under high salt conditions, DNA adheres tightly to glass.


DNA precipitation, drying and rehydration

1) Add 220 µl Isopropanol, mix by inverting gently several times.

2) Centrifuge 1 min at maximum speed in microcentrifuge; a small white DNA pellet is usually visible in bottom of tube. Don't be overly concerned if you don't see a pellet. With smaller yields of DNA there may be no obvious pellet. In fact, having a very large white pellet can be a bad sign, indicating carry-over of impurities.

3) Carefully pipet (with a pipettor) or pour out the supernatant; invert and drain tube on a Kimwipe. After this and subsequent centrifugations, move quickly to remove the supernatant. The longer you wait, the more likely the pellet is to come loose.

4) Add 200 µl 70% Ethanol, invert several times to wash pellet.

5) Again, centrifuge 1 min at maximum speed.

6) VERY carefully remove the ethanol. Beware -- the pellet may be loose, so pour or pipet slowly and watch the pellet at all times.  

7) Invert and drain tube on a Kimwipe, allow to air dry for 10-15 min. (You may put open in 37ˇ incubator in a microtube rack to aid drying.) All ethanol must be evaporated before DNA is rehydrated. You can sniff at the tube for traces of EtOH. Look carefully for droplets.

8) Add 50 µl DNA hydration solution ("DHS"), incubate incubate 65ˇ C for 15 min. Flick the tube gently with your finger several times to help resuspend the DNA.

9) Keep DNA tube on ice prior to using in setting up PCR reactions.


Your template DNA should now be ready to use in PCR. (In many cases, this solution will contain a high concentration of substances that inhibit PCR. Therefore, the DNA solution should diluted twice to make a 1:10 and 1:100 dilution.)


10) Label two tubes 1:10 and 1:100. Add 9 µl DNA hydration solution to each tube, then add 1 µl DNA to the 1:10 tube. Mix and remove 1 µl, add to the 1:100 tube and again mix.



Setting up PCR


For each 20 µl reaction, add to a 500 µl thin-walled microcentrifuge tube (see below):

   1 µl primer 1

   1 µl primer 2

   1 µl template DNA

17 µl PCR reaction mix, containing

            - PCR reaction buffer concentrate diluted with H20

            - Deoxynucleotides ("dNTPs" - dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP)

            - Taq DNA Polymerase (1 Unit per reaction)


For each experimental reaction, do the following controls:


Positive control (+C):

C. elegans DNA + primers 1 and 2


This tests control for the success of the PCR reaction itself. Success using DNA that has been previously shown to work in this reaction with these primers indicates a "real" failure if nothing is seen in the experimental reaction. Add the +C DNA as the very last item to help avoid contamination.


Negative controls:

a) Template DNA + primer 1 alone (add 1 µl H20 more)

b) Template DNA + primer 2 alone

c) No template DNA + primers 1 and 2


Any DNA fragments detected in experimental reactions that are also found in negative control reactions should be discounted. Controls 2 and 3 test for spurious bands that can arise from only a single primer. Control 4 tests for contamination of the reaction with an amplifiable template DNA. This is a non-trivial problem with PCR because of its great power to amplify very small amounts of DNA.


Note that ideally we would include single primer controls like tubes 5 & 6 for each of the experimental template dilutions (1X, 1:10, 1:100); we compromise here on the number of reactions needed by doing these controls only on the 1:10 dilution of template.


To keep track of what must be added to each tube, make a grid like the following:


                                                                                Tube No.                                                          









Primer 1  

1 µl

1 µl

1 µl

1 µl


1 µl

1 µl

Primer 2

1 µl

1 µl

1 µl

1 µl

1 µl


1 µl


1 µl





1 µl

1 µl

Template DNA

1 µl (+C)

1 µl (1X, Exptl)

1 µl (1:10)

1 µl (1:100)

1 µl (1:10, Exptl)

1 µl (1:10, Exptl)


Reaction mix

17 µl  

17 µl  

17 µl  

17 µl  

17 µl  

17 µl  

17 µl


Be sure to label your tubes with a distinguishing label, such as your initials, in addition to numbers.


In some cases the two different primers may be already mixed – add 2 µl of the combined primers (except for the single primer controls).


Using a Finnpipete 0.5µl - 10 µl pipettor:

1) Add 1 µl primer 1 to each appropriate tube (you may use the same pipet tip),

close lid, advance each tube to next row in rack.


2) Add 1 µl primer 2 to each appropriate tube (use new pipet tip for each tube), advance tubes.

3) Add 1 µl water to appropriate tubes (negative controls), advance tubes.

4) Add 1 µl template DNA to each appropriate tube (new pipet tips), advance tubes.

5) Add 17 µl PCR reaction mix to each tube. As you add mix, close lid and put tube on ice.


If using a thermocycler without a heated lid, add step 6:

[6) Layer 30 µl mineral oil on top of each reaction (Use Pipetman P-200).

Add oil to the inside wall of each tube; it will flow down and cover the aqueous reaction. Use a new pipet tip for each tube to avoid contamination. The oil is necessary to keep the reaction mix from evaporating during the PCR cycling (remember that the reaction will be repeatedly heated to near boiling). Return tubes to ice.]


7) Bring tubes to PCR thermocycler. The thermocycler will be pre-programmed for appropriate PCR protocol.


PCR protocol: 

94ˇ C for 1 min

45-50ˇ C for 1 min

72ˇ C for 1 min

Repeat 40 cycles;

72ˇ C for 5 min

Go to 4ˇ C indefinitely (ŇrefrigeratesÓ tubes until they are removed.)


8) Open lid, and firmly press tubes into places in PCR thermocycler. Activate appropriate thermocycler program (Instructor), close lid, sigh with relief.


9) After reactions are complete, remove tubes and store in freezer. Reactions will be analyzed by gel electrophoresis in the following lab.



Gel Analysis of PCR, Isolation of PCR bands


1. Thaw PCR tubes; keep on ice after thawed.

2. Prepare an agarose gel (check for the percentage), 30 ml 1X TBE gel with the 8 well comb.

3. Transfer 4 µl of each experimental reaction (those using both primers and an ÔexperimentalŐ DNA template) to fresh 1.5 ml tubes for possible use later. (DO NOT add 6X GLB to these tubes.) Keep on ice. 

4. Add  3.2 µl 6X GLB to the remainder (~16 µl) in each PCR tube.

5. Load 10 µl of each reaction on gel. Load 10 µl "2-Log DNA ladder" as molecular weight marker.

6. Run the gel at 150 V until the first dye has reached ~2/3 length of gel.

7. Stain and photograph the gel.


Gel #2


Once the above gel is running, prepare a second gel following instructions below. This gel may be used to isolate a specific band from the PCR for subsequent cloning. (The next steps are dependent on results of first gel. In interest of time, we will prepare and begin running a gel that we may need after seeing the first gel.) This gel should be prepared as cleanly as possible, and uses a special buffer the components of which should not inhibit cloning reactions used later.)


1. Wear gloves to set up this gel. Wash all the gel apparatus components thoroughly with deionized water and wipe with Kimwipes to remove any possible contaminants. Use the 8 well comb. One gel will be sufficient for 2 students.

2. Make an agarose gel (same percentage as above) with 30 ml of 1X modified TAE ("TA low E") - this buffer has a ten-fold reduced EDTA concentration from traditional TAE, which is frequently used in place of TBE buffer. EDTA can interfere with a number of molecular biology reactions that require Mg++. Note that the TAlowE buffer is NOT reused.

3. Pool the remaining experimental reactions (tubes 1 - 3) in a single tube. Load 10 µl "2-Log DNA ladder" in an outermost lane, and load the reactions in an adjacent lane. The second student do the same, on the opposite side of the gel (again, load the MW marker in the outer lane, with the reactions loaded adjacent).

4. Use 1X TAlowE buffer for the gel. Run at 150V.

5. If this gel is to be used, cut off the outermost lane and a small portion of the lane containing your reactions. You may want to do this under the direction of the instructor. Stain only this part of the gel with EtBr. DO NOT stain the remainder of the gel.

6. Under UV light, with the unstained portion of the gel blocked, line up the stained portion of the gel with the unstained. Use a fresh scalpel blade to cut out the region of the unstained gel corresponding to the PCR band you wish to clone. Ideally, the piece of gel cut out should be no more than ~100 µl of gel (about 100 mg in mass). From this point, proceed with the Millipore Ultrafree-DA protocol.


DNA Extraction from Agarose Gels with the

UltrafreeŞ- DA Centrifugal Filter Device



The Ultrafree-DA device is designed to recover 100 to 10,000 bp DNA from agarose gel slices in one 10- minute spin. It consists of a pre-assembled sample filter cup with agarose Gel Nebulizer, and a microcentrifuge vial. The device utilizes gelcompression to extract DNA from theagarose. Centrifugal force collapsesthe gel structure, drives the agarosethrough a small orifice in the Gel Nebulizer and the resultant gel slurry is sprayed into the sample filter cup.

As the agarose is compressed at 5,000xg, DNA is extruded from the gelÍs pores. The gel matrix is retained by the microporous membrane, and the DNA passes freely through the membrane. DNA can then be recovered in the filtrate vial. DNA prepared with this device requires no further purification for most applications, including cloning and radioisotopic or fluorescent DNA sequencing. Since agarose gel elec- trophoresis has high resolving power, the small and large non-specific amplification products that frequently interfere with cloning and sequencing after PCR (polymerase chain reaction) are completely removed from the product.



- Microcentrifuge

- Pre-assembled Ultrafree-DA

    centrifugal filter device

- Modified TAE* electrophoresis

  buffer (40 mm Tris-acetate, pH   

  8.0, 0.1 mm Na2EDTA)

- SeaKem» LE agarose (FMC

  BioProducts; Rockland, ME) or


- Long-wavelength UV lamp

- Scalpel or razor blade


* Modified TAE rather than TBE is recom-

mended for the following reasons:

(1) TBE buffer strongly inhibits DNA

sequencing reactions while modified TAE

buffer does not. (2) Modified TAE has 0.1

mm Na2EDTA while regular TAE has 1.0

mm Na2EDTA. The EDTA level at 0.1 mm

Na2EDTA will not interfere with the magne-

sium concentration in sequencing reactions

and other downstream enzymatic treat-

ments, many of which are dependent on





1. Electrophorese 30 µL of PCR product or other DNA through a <1.25% ordinary agarose gel, prepared in modified TAE buffer with ethidium bromide (0.5 µg/ml).

2. Locate band of interest with a long wavelength UV lamp or transilluminator. With a razor blade or scalpel, cut out the slice of agarose (<100 µL or 100 mg) containing the band of interest. Trim any excess agarose away from band.

3. Place gel slice into Gel Nebulizer sample cup assembly and seal device with the cap attached to vial.

4. Spin at 5,000xg for 10 minutes. Centrifugation forces

the agarose through the Gel Nebulizer, converting it to a fine slurry that is captured by the sample filter cup. Extruded DNA in electrophoresis buffer passes through the microporous membrane in the sample filter cup and collects in the filtrate vial.

5. DNA in the filtrate is now ready for sequencing or cloning without further purification. After discard- ing the filter cup and Gel Nebulizer sample cup assembly, the DNA can be stored in the capped filtrate vial.


Typical DNA Recoveries


Gel Compression is a quick and easy technique for recovering DNA from an agarose gel slice. The Ultrafree-DA includes a Gel Nebulizer that allows the addition of an intact gel slice to the Nebulizer/Sample Cup stack. There is no need to manually cut up the gel slice since gel disintegration is automatic. With Ultrafree-DA the gel is completely macerated by the Nebulizer, thus recoveries of DNA are typically higher than when this component is not incorporated.




TOPO TA Cloning¨ of PCR products


Read the background information on the TOPO TA cloning method.


Setting up the TOPO reaction:







PCR (fresh reaction or isolated band)


4 µl


Salt solution


1 µl


TOPO¨ vector


1 µl


Final total volume                                     6 µl


1. Add all reagents to tube with 1 µl TOPO vector.

2. Mix gently, incubate 15 min at room temperature

3. Thaw competent cells on ice - 50 µl One Shot¨ Chemically Competent TOP10 E. coli

4. Add 2 µl of TOPO¨ Cloning reaction to a vial of competent cells. Mix gently. Do not mix by pipetting up and down.

5. Incubate on ice for 5 min (up to 30 min).

6. Heat shock for 30 sec at 42ˇC.

7. Return to ice for 1-2 min.

8. Add 250 µl SOC medium

9. Cap tightly and incubate the tube at 37ˇC for 1 hr.

10. Prewarm LB/Spectinomycin plates at 37ˇC

11. Label plates for 200µl, 50 µl, 10 µl spread.

12. Resuspend cells in tube before spreading.  Spread 50 µl of transformation mix on 50 µl plate.

13. Add 40 µl SOC to 10 µl plate with 10 µl transformation mix and spread.

14. Spread the entire remainder of transformation mix (~200 µl) on 200 µl plate.

15. Next day, count colonies. (There is no blue-white screening – most clones will have inserts.) Note that the 200 µl spread may have too many colonies to count easily – if so, estimate the number. Respread at least four colonies on half-plates and grow overnight at 37ˇ C.  Parafilm and save original transformation plates. 

16. Next day, remove respread plates from incubator, parafilm and refrigerate.

17. Day before lab next week, set up four 3ml overnight cultures from respreads. Use LB broth and spectinomycin for selection (3 µl 1000x Spec in 3 ml).


Candidate clone DNA will be isolated using QiaPrep Spin columns, as done previously.


Genotype ofTOP10 E. coli: Use this strain for general cloning and blue/white screening without IPTG. 


F- mcrA Ć(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC)f80lacZĆM15 ĆlacX74 recA1 deoR araD139 Ć(ara-leu)7697 galU galK rpsL (StrR) endA1 nupG
Overview of TOPO TA Cloning Method

(from pCR¨8/GW/TOPO¨ TA Cloning¨ Kit Manual, Version D, 08/12/05, ©Invitrogen)



The pCR¨8/GW/TOPO¨ TA Cloning¨ Kit combines InvitrogenŐs TOPO¨ Cloning and Gateway¨ technologies to facilitate 5-minute, one-step cloning of Taq polymerase-amplified PCR products into a plasmid vector with ł 95% efficiency. As is the case with other pCR¨ vectors (e.g. pCR¨2.1-TOPO¨), clones may be easily sequenced and characterized. Once characterized, clones may also be transferred from the pCR¨8/GW/TOPO¨ entry vector to a Gateway¨ or MultiSite Gateway¨

destination vector of choice for expression of the gene of interest in virtually any system.


How It Works 

The pCR¨8/GW/TOPO¨ vector is supplied linearized with:

Ą Single 3′-thymidine (T) overhangs for TA Cloning¨

Ą Topoisomerase I covalently bound to the vector (referred to as ŇactivatedÓ vector)

Taq polymerase has a non-template-dependent terminal transferase activity that adds a single deoxyadenosine (A) to the 3′ ends of PCR products. The linearized vector supplied in this kit has single, overhanging 3′ deoxythymidine (T) residues. This allows PCR inserts to ligate efficiently with the vector.


Topoisomerase I from Vaccinia virus binds to duplex DNA at specific sites (CCCTT) and cleaves the phosphodiester backbone in one strand (Shuman, 1991). The energy from the broken phosphodiester backbone is conserved by formation of a covalent bond between the 3′ phosphate of the cleaved strand and a tyrosyl residue (Tyr-274) of topoisomerase I. The phospho-tyrosyl bond between the DNA and enzyme can subsequently be attacked by the 5′ hydroxyl of the original cleaved strand, reversing the reaction and releasing topoisomerase (Shuman, 1994). TOPO¨ Cloning exploits this reaction to efficiently clone PCR products.







Experimental Outline

Ą Produce Your PCR Product

Ą Set Up TOPO¨ Cloning Reaction (Mix Together PCR Product and TOPO¨ Vector)

Ą Incubate 5 Minutes at Room Temperature

Ą Transform TOPO¨ Cloning Reaction into One Shot¨ Competent Cells

Ą Select and Analyze Transformant Colonies for Insert




pCR¨8/GW/TOPO¨ Map


The map below shows the features of the pCR¨8/GW/TOPO¨ vector and the sequence surrounding the TOPO-TA¨ Cloning site. Restriction sites are labeled to indicate the actual cleavage site. The arrows indicate the start of transcription for Sp6 and T7 polymerases


Note that EcoRI sites flank the TOPO-TA¨ cloning site so that after cloning, any insert can be cut out with an EcoRI digest.





CLUSTAL W (1.83) multiple sequence alignment

Ce =  Caenorhabditis elegans	
Cb =  C. briggsae	
Oti = Oscheius tipulae	
Ppa = Pristioncus pacificus
Mja = Meloidogyne javanica **only partial sequence available

Oti_lin-39      MTSPTDFVGTAATALPQFYYG--------TAQQNAAQYFPG------------------- 33
Mja_homc        ------------HNLKQPKHLRVIYSNNNNCISTSFFHS--------------------- 27
                                             .. ..:                         

Oti_lin-39      -TAAAQFS-----AVSTASGNSNDSICYG------------------------------- 56
Ppa_lin-39      -AAAAAASFYPSGAAPPFAAQSTDQVLQY------------------------------- 69
Mja_homc        ------------------------------------------------------------

Mja_homc        -----------------------------------------------ARG-EKRQRTAYT 39
                                                               .:* *********

                * ********** :********:*::*:* *:****************** **:      

Ce_lin-39       MPFGAN-LPFGP------FRFPLFNQF-- 253
Cb_lin-39       LPFGAN-MPFGP------FRFPLFNQF-- 253
Mja_homc        QQHALS-SAIAQ------AQVAAAVQLAI 121

Intron locations (in homeobox; caret indicated intron location in gene above):
                                                 ^              ^    
      ^                      ^                                     ^
Degenerate Primers:

Primer Name

AA seq encoded








