Linear Algebra Applied Projects

General guidelines for projects

All projects must be turned in by Friday, December 10, by 10am. Please do not wait until the last possible minute to turn in all your projects, as this will make me cranky, and I am a mean grader when I'm cranky....

You should work in a group of 2 or 3 students to complete these projects. You should actually work on this project as a group; you should not simply divide up the project into what seems like 2 or 3 equal pieces, and each go home to work on your own. Please be sure that every member of your group understands every part of the report you turn in. Needless to say, all members of the group should contribute equally to the project.

You can earn up to 50 points by doing projects; that's up to 10 points extra credit. Each project will be worth between 20 and 30 points towards your final grade for the course. The point breakdown is given in each individual project description.