Linda Ramey

I just purchased this published cookbook but I have an advantage because of knowing Faye Hoffoss for a long time. I saw that she and her family were losing weight and of course asked her about it. I was 58 years old and was 173 pounds at the time. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters and 9 grandsons and like to keep close to my children and their families. I always prided myself in making good meals that they would enjoy. When I became health concious, I found it difficult to make healthy meals with ingredients we were not accustomed to.

When I spoke with Faye, she gave me a copy of her book -- onethat she had printed up before she had it published. While trying different diets, I found it difficult to change cooking and eating habits. After talking to Faye Hoffoss and using the recipes from her unpublished book, I have gone from 173 pounds to 140 pounds. The book works for me and my family because it is using ingredients we love but balancing them so that we are satisfied. Balancing your foods make it much easier to eat at a restaurant. (It seems that when we get together, at home or in a restaurant, we love to eat. I have since purchased 4 of Barry Sears books and use recipes from his books but use Faye Hoffoss' book more. I am slowly incorporating healthier eating habits by adding things like whole wheat bread and unprocessed rice. I have to say, not just because she is my friend, that the only way for me to have a permanent weight loss is to make foods that we are familiar with--and that are closest to the way we have always eaten. (At home, and in the restaurants.) I just purchased her published book, one must have a friend's published works!!!!!(However, I will keep the published one for display but will continue to use the copy Faye gave me before having it published.) BOTH BOOKS CONTAIN THE SAME RECIPES WITH ONLY MINOR CHANGES IN THE PUBLISHED VERSION.

I recommend the book, because it works for me, a grandmother that likes to have my family come to home to eat.

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