1) Open up Maestro (if you haven't done so already)

2) Under the Applications Tab, Select Jaguar, and then select Initial Guess Only

3) Click the "Read" tab at the bottom and read in your .01.in file with "Geometry and settings" (the default). Your molecule should now be displayed. The "Job" section at the bottom of the window should read something like b3lyp/6-311+g*, Initial Guess Only. Make sure the "Initial Guess Only" is there, otherwise type it in. If you don't have it, it attempts to re-converge the wavefunction (which could take a while depending on the size of your molecule).

4) Click on the Properties Tab and check the "Surfaces" and "Atomic electrostatic potential charges" boxes.

5) Click Start. A green window pops up. Make sure that the "Incorporate" tab says " Replace existing entries" (it should by default).

6) Click Start in this green window. A job monitoring panel shows up. The job should take a few seconds. When it's done, close the monitoring panel.

7) Click the project tab in Maestro (looks like a Table). Your job should show up. There should be an "S" in the column for Surface. Click the "S".

8) The Surface Table now pops up. If you have calculated several surfaces, there will be several entries (for example one for electron density, one for electrostatic, etc). Click on the one you want to look at. You may have to adjust the isovalue to get a reasonably sized surface. This will probably be different for each molecule.

9) If you click the "Display Options" box, you can change the colors and style to make a nice picture!