How to convert your Jaguar file so that you can view it in Spartan

Presumably if you're sitting in ST383 at this point, you're logged in as kuagrp@somedisneycharacter.

To do this, first open a separate terminal and ssh into kuaserver. Select just the XYZ coordinates of your Jaguar file. Then paste this into a new file ( into an active window on kuagrp@somedisneycharacter where you will then view it using Spartan. Make sure there are no blank lines in your xyz file (especially at the end).

But first you'll have to convert the xyz file into a format that Spartan can read: the .spinput format.

[remember left mouse button selects, middle mouse button pastes, and you'll be using vi with both windows open...]

You should be able to make use of a script called (which is already in ~kuagrp/bin/) so at the prompt of the machine
somedisneycharacter, you can type:  > myspartanfilename.spinput

The script makes a new file called myspartanfilename.spinput that you can now open using Spartan, make modifications, etc.

You can also do the reverse process (i.e. Spartan to Jaguar).