Fall 2015
What's an Infographic? Check out Compound Interest for some excellent examples.
For more examples, do a Google image search on "Chemistry Infographic".
We will discuss the parameters of this project in class on Tue (27 Oct) so come with questions:
1. You will complete an Infographic on a commercial product related to water. Examples might include a health/energy drink, a device that filters/cleans water, a service such as float therapy, a cosmetic that hydrates skin, etc. If you have an idea you'd like to check with me, send me an e-mail.
The purpose of the Infographic is to convey useful information in a concise and visually-pleasing (thus encouraging people to look at it) way.
2. You can do this assignment on your own or in small groups. A group may not exceed 3 people (including yourself).
3a. A power point file with a single page designed to fit on an 8.5" x 11" sheet must be e-mailed to me by the end of the day
Sunday, Dec 5th.
3b. If you worked in a group, each individual must send me a separate e-mail outlining your contribution to the Infographic (by the same deadline as the Infographic is due). If you worked on your own, you can skip this.
4. There will be a Peer Review assignment (during the last week of class) where you will comment on and rate the Infographics produced by your classmates.
5. Your Infographic will be graded on:
(i) Content: Does it cover the topic in-depth? Are there enough details? Does it show that you learnt about the topic beyond the surface level?
(ii) Graphics: Do the graphics relate to the topic? Do they help make the topic easier to understand? Did you include at least one chemical structure?
(iii) Impact: Did you make good use of font, color, graphics, layout? Does it "grab" interest or is it distracting in a negative way? Are there any typos or errors?
Hopefully you will find it creative, fun, and learn something interesting in your research!