Top Seven Pieces of Advice from students last semester:

• Do the readings before class. Do the SmartWorks right after class. Go to office hours and ask questions. Start on homework and exam preparation early.

• Keep up with the workload and don't be afraid to go into his office hours for help. The professor loves answering questions.

• Ask questions if you are confused and take good notes during class.

• I would say to work hard, attend office hours with any questions and to get to know Dr. Kua because he is a nice guy!

• Expect to have a routine amount of homework and wake up early.
[I think by "routine", the student meant "regular" rather than "simple"]

• Stay on top of the homework/concepts because everything builds on each other.

• Be sure to do the SmartWorks as soon as you can while it is still fresh in your mind. It will also really help you prepare for the potential quiz.

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