Math 300: Mathematics Concepts for Teachers, Spring 2016

Reading and Homework Assignments

Week 8

HOMEWORK #9: Due Wednesday, April 6th

o   Do the reading by Monday, April 4th

o   Turn in the homework assignment, April 6th

o   Turn in Math Day preliminary thoughts, April 6th

o   Exam #2 written component, Monday, April 11th


Reading Assignment:

·       Read sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 carefully as we discussed in class, and write notes of all the relevant information (no need to turn those notes in).  The reading questions below are meant to help you.


Reading Questions:

1.  Learn or remind yourself of the following: region, area, unit square, square unit, composite regions, unit of area, union, intersection, and perimeter.

2.  Explain why the formula for area of a rectangle is length times width.  How is this different for rectangles with lengths that are whole numbers versus real number side lengths?

3.  How are the area and perimeter of an object related?

4.  What is the difference between a unit square and a square unit?

5.  What can be misleading about the term “base of a triangle”? Explain how you find the base and altitude of a triangle.

6.  Explain the two different approaches (section 5.3) for proving the area formulas for triangles and parallelograms.

7.  Take a look at the second picture on page 124. Explain what the drawing shows.

8.  Write questions and comments you have on the readings for today.


Homework Assignment:.

·       Homework set 18: Take a look at problems 1 and 2 to understand how area is introduced (no need to include in the homework).  Turn in: 3,5,9.  (Optional: 4,6,7,8,10,11—if you need or would like the practice.)

·       Homework set 19: 3,9,11 (Optional: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10—if you need or would like the practice.)

·       Homework set 20: 1,5 (see problem 4),8,11,12.  (Optional: 2,3,4,6,7,9,10,13,14—if you need or would like the practice.)

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