COMP 465W: Software Engineering


Research Project Guidelines


November 8, 2015





·         Chapters that we did not cover in class (10, 19, and 21),

·         SEI digital library of papers, technical reports, etc., available at ,

·         Any other source, upon my approval.


What to do:

·         Select a chapter, technical report, white paper, etc., that interests you and that deals with topics that we have not discussed in class. Aim at about 30 pages of source material.

·         Submit it to me for approval (please note – “first come first serve”: a topic claimed by one team becomes  unavailable for other teams).

·         Study the material.

·         Prepare a one-page write-up summarizing the material. Present the topic in class (18 - 20 minutes).



You will be graded on quality of the report and presentation. This includes clarity and ability to capture the most important issues.