II. Urban Land
A. Land Rent and Manufacturing Land
1. Price of land
a. Definitions
- Land rent - periodic payment by a
land user to a land owner
- Market value - amount paid to become
the land owner
PV = R / i
- Land rent is considered to be
"price" of land
b. Agricultural rent
- David Ricardo - price of agricultural land
based on fertility (productivity)
- Leftover principle - competition
among farmers for land leads to landlords getting the leftovers
(excess of total revenue over nonland costs)
2. Manufacturing sector
- Accessibility to export transportation more
important than fertility
a. Freight vs. labor costs
Assume inputs and outputs go through a
central freight terminal
Inputs shipped from central freight
terminal to manufacturing facility and vice versa for outputs
Labor must be compensated for longer
commuting costs
b. Impact of
intracity truck
c. Impact of
intercity truck and beltways
