Economics 494


Spring 2015

B. Managing Bond Portfolios

1.  Interest rate risk

  • Bond prices and yields are inversely related


a.  Interest rate sensitivity

  • Increase in a bond's yield to maturity results in a smaller price change than a decrease











(1) Impact of maturity

  • Prices of long-term bonds more sensitive to interest rate changes than short-term bonds

  • Interest rate risk is less than proportional to bond maturity











(2)  Impact of coupon

  • Interest rate risk is inversely related to the coupon rate

- Prices of low-coupon bonds more sensitive to changes in interest rates than high-coupon bonds











(3) Impact of yield to maturity

  • Price sensitivity inversely related to the yield to maturity











b.  Duration

  • Average maturity of a bond's cash flows








  • Measure of interest rate sensitivity








c.  Factors affecting duration











(1) Duration of a zero-coupon bond equals its time to maturity


(2) Duration is higher when coupon rate is lower

  • Higher weights on earlier payments


(3) Duration increases with time to maturity


(4) Duration higher when yield to maturity  is lower

  • Lesser impact on distant cash flows


(5) Duration of a level perpetuity







  • Excel



2.  Passive bond management

  • Assume bond prices are fairly set, try only to control risk of bond portfolio


a. Immunization

  • Insulate portfolios from interest rate risk altogether

- Protect current net worth against interest rate fluctuations

- May have obligation to make future payments, e.g., pension funds


  • Price risk - change in interest rates causes capital gains or losses

  • Reinvestment risk - change in interest rates affects returns on coupons











  • Matching duration of liabilities and assets balances price and reinvestment risk


(1) Procedure

  •  Calculate duration of the liability

  • Calculate duration of asset portfolio

  • Find the asset mix that sets duration of assets equal to duration of liability

  • Fully fund the obligation







(2) Rebalancing

  • May need to rebalance portfolio if interest rates change and/or time passes







(3)  Cash flow matching

  • Match cash flows from a portfolio with the cash flows of an obligation

  • Dedication strategy - cash flow matching  over multiple periods

  • Not widely used because it limits the choice of bonds


3.  Convexity

  • Duration is an approximation











  • Convexity of bond = curvature of price-yield curve


4.  Active bond management

  • Believe information or insight is superior

- Interest rates

- Mispricing


a.  Substitution swap

  • Exchange nearly identical bonds, assuming a mispricing of one

b.  Intermarket spread swap

  • Believe yield spread between two sectors of the bond market are out of line


c.  Rate anticipation swap

  • Exchange into bonds with longer duration if interest rates are expected to fall


d.  Pure yield pickup swap

  • Exchange into higher-yield bonds


e.  Tax swap

  • Exchange bonds to exploit some tax advantage