Economics 494


Spring 2015

B. Equity Valuation Models

  • Try to find stocks that are mispriced relative to some measure of "true" value

1.  Valuation by comparables

  • Look at stock price compared to different financial benchmarks


a.  Ratios

(1) Price to earnings (P/E)

(2) Price to book value

(3) Price to sales

(4) Price to cash flow

(5) PEG - P/E divided by growth rate of earnings

  • Compare with industry average


b.  Alternatives to book value

  • Book value based on historic costs

(1) Liquidation value

  • Value if all assets sold and liabilities repaid


(2) Replacement cost

  • How much would it cost to replace assets minus liabilities


(3) Tobin's q

  • Ratio of market price to replacement cost


2.  Intrinsic value vs. market price

  • Intrinsic value - present value of all cash payments to investor

  • Includes dividends and capital gains




  • Risk-adjusted interest rate

- Capital asset pricing model (CAPM):







  • Compare intrinsic value to current stock price








3.  Dividend discount models




a.  Constant-growth dividend discount model

  • Assumes dividend growth rate will be constant











  • Stock value greater:

(1) the larger its expected dividend per share

(2) the lower market capitalization rate, k

(3) the higher the expected growth rate of dividends

  • Stock price will grow at same rate as dividends


b.  Stock prices and investment opportunities

  • Dividend payout ratio - percentage of earnings paid out as dividends

  • Plowback ratio (earnings retention ratio) - proportion of earnings reinvested in the business

- Tradeoff between dividends and future growth opportunities











  • Present value of growth opportunities - net present value of firm's future investments













c.  Life cycles and two-stage growth models

  • Different dividend policies in different stages












d. Multistage growth models

  • More than two stages involved















4.  Price-earnings ratio (multiple)

  • Ratio of price per share to earnings per share











a.  P/E ratios and stock risk







b.  Problems with P/E analysis

(1) Earnings are accounting earnings

  • Earnings management - using accounting rules to improve the apparent profitability of firms


(2) Earnings fluctuate with business cycle

  • Should look at trend of future earnings


c.  P/E analysis and discounted dividend model







5. Free cash flow valuation







