Economics 494


Spring 2015

C. Options Markets

1.  Basic concepts

a.  Call option

  • Holder has the right to purchase an asset for a specified price (exercise or strike price) on or before a specified date (expiration date)

  • Premium - purchase price of option

  • Write - sell option





  • Buy if you expect price to increase, sell if you expect price to decrease


b.  Put option

  • Holder has the right to sell an asset for a specified price on or before a specified date





  • Buy if you expect price to decrease, sell if you expect price to increase


c.  Terminology

  • In the money - exercise would yield a positive cash flow

- Asset price > exercise price for calls

- Asset price < exercise price for puts


  • Out of the money - exercise would yield a negative cash flow

- Asset price < exercise price for calls

- Asset price > exercise price for puts


d.  Options trading

  • Standardized expiration dates and exercise prices

  • Each option contract involves 100 shares

  • Traded on Chicago Board Options Exchange, International Securities Exchange

  • European options - can only be exercised on expiration date

  • Contract terms adjusted for stock splits

  • Options Clearing Corporation - clearing house for options trading

  • Other listed options

(1)  Index options

  • Options on stock market indexes

  • Cash settlement used instead of delivering Index


(2) Futures options

  • Right to buy or sell specified futures contracts


(3) Foreign currency options

  • Right to buy or sell a quantity of a foreign currency


(4) Interest rate options

  • Options on Treasury bills, notes, bonds, and government bonds of major countries


2.  Value of options at expiration

a.  Call options

(1)  Value to buyer











(2)  Value to writer











b.  Put options

(1)  Value to buyer











(2)  Value to writer











c.  Options vs. stocks









  • Options provide leverage and potential insurance

3.  Option strategies

a.  Protective puts

  • Invest in stock and buy put













b.  Covered calls

  • Invest in stock and sell call













c.  Straddles

  • Long - buy both a call and a put on a stock with same strike price and expiration date













  • Short - sell both a call and a put











  • Strip - two puts and one call

  • Strap - two calls and one put


d.  Spreads

  • Two or more calls or puts with different strike prices or different expiration dates

  • Buy one, sell the other

  • Money spread - different strike prices

  • Time spread - different expiration dates












e.  Collars

  • Bracket value of portfolio between two bounds







4.  Option-like securities

a.  Callable bonds

  • Same as selling straight bond and buying a call option


b.  Convertible securities

  • Convertible bonds or preferred stock

  • Option goes to holder of security


c.  Warrants

  • Call options issued by a firm

  • New shares issued when exercised, funds go to firm

  • Expiration date usually longer


d.  Collateralized loans

  • Collateral offered to get loan

  • Same as a call option on the asset


5.  Exotic options

a.  Asian options

  • Payoff depends on the average price of an asset


b.  Currency-translated options

  • Prices denominated in a foreign currency


c.  Digital options

  • Fixed payoff depending on whether a condition is met