Economics 494


Spring 2015

B.  Efficient Diversification

  • Harry Markowitz - won Nobel Prize in Economics

1.  Diversification and risk

  • Market risk - risk attributable to market wide risk sources (economic conditions)

- Also known as systematic risk and nondiversifiable  risk

- Can't eliminate this risk


  • Firm-specific risk - risk unique to the firm (R&D success, management, etc.)

- Also known as unique risk, nonsystematic risk, and diversifiable risk

- Diversification reduces this risk











2.  Asset allocation with two risky assets

a.  Covariance and correlation

  • Measures the association between two variables










b.  Three rules of two-risky-assets portfolios

(1)  Rate of return on a portfolio is the weighted average of returns on the component securities, with the investment proportions as weight




(2)   Expected rate of return on a portfolio is the weighted average of the expected returns on the component securities, with the investment proportions as weight







(3)  Variance of the rate of return:









c.  Risk-return trade-off

  • Investment opportunity set - set of available risk-return combinations











d.  Mean-variance criterion

  • One portfolio preferred over another if it has a higher mean return and lower variance or standard deviation














3.  Optimal risky portfolio with a risk-free asset

  • Best combination of risky assets and safe assets to form a complete portfolio















4.  Efficient diversification with many risky assets

a.  Efficient frontier of risky assets

  • Efficient frontier - the set of portfolios that maximize expected returns at each level of portfolio risk












b.  Choosing the optimal risky porfolio

  • Choose capital allocation line with the highest Sharpe ratio











c.  Preferred complete portfolio

  • Investor chooses the appropriate mix of the optimal risky portfolio and the risk-free asset











  • Separation property - portfolio choice can be separated into two independent tasks:

(1) Determination of the optimal risky porfolio

(2)  Personal choice of the best mix of the risky portfolio and the risk-free asset


5.  Single-index stock market

  • Index model - relates stock returns to returns on both a broad market index and firm-specific factors


















a.  Diversification in a single-index security market

  • Diversification can eliminate firm-specific risk







b.  Security analysis with the index model

  • Active portfolio - optimal combination of analyzed stocks







6.  Risk of long-term investments









