Leading Economic Indicators Up in 2004
July 1, 2004 --The University of San Diego's Index of
Leading Economic Indicators for San Diego County has risen in each of the
first four months of 2004. The USD Index now has increased or remained unchanged for 12 months in a
row, after reaching a bottom in April 2003:

There were particularly strong gains at the end of
2003 and the beginning of 2004, although April’s results tailed off a
bit. This portends well for the local economy for the rest of year.
Unemployment is likely to remain at or below the 4% mark, and job growth
should be solid at between 15,000 and 20,000 for the year as a whole.
Potential problems that would slow growth but not throw the local economy
into a recession include (1) higher interest rates, (2) the impact of
higher gas prices on consumer spending, (3) cutbacks by the state of
California and local governments in the wake of severe fiscal problems,
and (4) the impact of the war in Iraq as it relates to the deployment of
military personnel from San Diego.
The expansion in the USD Index has been solid, with
most of the components on the positive side. Following is a discussion of
the performance of each of the components of the USD Index and their
impact in determining the outlook for the local economy:
Building Permits (Source:
Construction Industry Research Board)
This is the total number of residential units (both
single-family and multi-family) authorized by building permits in San
Diego County. It measures the strength of the construction industry as it
relates to housing. This is important not only in terms of direct
employment in construction, but also in a number of related industries,
such as real estate, furniture and appliance sales, and home repair and
remodeling. After dropping sharply in the summer of 2003, building permits
rebounded somewhat in the latter part of the year. Results have been mixed
so far in 2004, which the total level of permits through April down over
13% compared to the same period the previous year.
Unemployment Insurance (Source: Employment
Development Department)
This is the total number of initial claims for
unemployment insurance filed in San Diego County, which reflects the rate
of job loss in the local economy. The value is "inverted" so
that an increase in claims is a negative for the index and a decrease in
claims is considered a positive. After moving sporadically for much of
2003, initial claims started falling significantly at the end of that
year. This carried over into this year and has been the largest
contributor to the strength of the local leading indicators in 2004.
Stock Prices (Source:
San Diego Daily
The San Diego Daily Transcript calculates daily
the "San Diego Stock Exchange Index." This index is based on the
stock prices of companies headquartered in San Diego County. This gives an
indication of the view of investors on the future prospects for San
Diego-based companies. Local stock prices have risen for the most part
since the spring of 2003, mirroring the rise in most major market
Consumer Confidence (Source: The San Diego
The San Diego Union-Tribune conducts a monthly
survey of 300 households in San Diego County which asks them about their
present and future income and job prospects. The responses are compiled
into an index of local consumer confidence. Consumer sentiment is
significant because consumer spending is typically two-thirds of all
economic activity. Local consumer confidence bottomed out in the middle of
2003 and has been rebounding ever since. There were particularly strong
gains at the end of 2003.
Help Wanted Advertising (Source: The San
Diego Union-Tribune)
This index measures the level of help wanted
advertising in The San Diego Union-Tribune and gives an indication
of employers’ hiring plans. Help wanted advertising turned positive in
August 2003 and has been increasing, albeit modestly, ever since.
National Economy (Source: The Conference Board)
The national Index of Leading Economic Indicators measures the
short-term outlook for the national economy. The performance of the
national economy affects San Diego companies that do business on a
nationwide basis as well as the local tourism industry, as both
leisure and business travel are affected by the health of the economy. The
national Index of Leading Economic Indicators has been positive or
unchanged for 14 consecutive months, reflecting the generally positive
news in the national economy.
For more information on the University of San Diego's Index of Leading
Economic Indicators, please contact: