USD Senate Bylaws
1.5 Constitution and By-Laws of the University of San Diego Senate
We, the members of the University of San Diego faculty, in order to provide a forum and a body to participate efficiently and responsibly in University governance, do hereby agree and declare:
There shall hereby be established a body to be known as the University of San Diego Senate, hereinafter referred to as “Senate.”
The purposes of the Senate shall be:
1. To gather the viewpoints of representatives of the academic community.
2. To be a voice for the academic community.
3. To ascertain, consider, evaluate and act upon jurisdictional issues, questions, cases, matters, proposals, plans, and actions.
4. To initiate proposals for constructive change within its jurisdiction.
5. To concern itself with, and to contribute to, the development of a University based upon excellence in all respects.
6. To formulate, support, and advance policies of sound education, fair and just administration, and prudent fiscal management.
7. To foster, encourage, and facilitate communication among the Schools/College.
1. The Senate shall have jurisdiction to accomplish its purposes, provided that matters at issue be of University-wide interest or concern and not essentially intra-school, whether by tradition or agreement.
2. Matters of University-wide interest or concern, unless excepted by tradition or agreement, include (a nonexclusive listing):
a. The undergraduate general education program.
b. The general quality of studies.
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c. General policies pertaining to faculty appointment, reappointment, rank, and tenure, safeguarding such general policies as are widely operational among schools/colleges such as those which comprise this University.
d. General policies regarding faculty status, such as morale, grievances, leaves, grants, awards, retirement, salaries, and fringe benefits.
e. General student welfare.
f. Recommendations relative to honorary degrees.
3. Matters essentially intra-school, unless excepted by tradition or agreement, include (a nonexclusive listing):
a. Curriculum, academic and admissions standards, research, and scholarship, within the standards established for the general quality of studies.
a. Recommendation of students for University degrees.
b. Methods for providing adequate instruction and supervision of students.
c. Appointment, reappointment, rank and tenure decisions affecting individual members of the faculty as provided in Article VII, paragraph 4.
4. The Senate shall decide, when the issue is raised by a member, whether a matter is an Article III, paragraph 2, matter or is an Article III, paragraph 3, matter. A decision that a matter is an Article III, paragraph 2, matter shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Senators entitled to vote. Such a decision may be appealed to the President by filing a notice of appeal within 24 hours.
1. The President and the Provost of the University shall be members of the Senate,
ex-officio, without vote.
2. The following persons (5) shall be Senators, ex-officio, with full voting privileges:
a. Deans of the College and Schools (5)
3. Elected Senators shall be initially apportioned among the Schools/College on a percentage formula, resulting in the following representation:
College of Arts and Sciences...........................12
School of Business Administration..................2
School of Education ........................................2
School of Law..................................................7
School of Nursing and AHS............................1
Total 24
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In the future, the apportionment of the elected Senators shall be adjusted by continued use of the percentage system, as follows:
a. A percentage system will be utilized to ascertain the number of representatives for each School/College, with 50% allocated by percentage of FTE (Full-time Equivalent) faculty and 50% allocated by percentage of FTE students (including summer students).
b. A base of 22 elected Senators will be utilized for determining the number allocated to each School/College; additional Senators over 22 may be added as a result of rounding of numbers.
c. FTE faculty and FTE student percentages will be computed separately, combined, and then rounded for each School/College. Note: Formula is:
% FTE Faculty x 11 = y
% FTE Students x 11 = z
y+z = Numbers of representatives (rounded).
d. Any School/College not qualifying for representation under the formula will be given a single representative.
4. Elected Senators shall be chosen by vote of the faculty within the individual Schools/College, the elections to be held in April. Senators elected in April begin their term of office on the first day of the next academic year. A School or College may provide a mechanism for replacement of a Senator elected in April who becomes unavailable to serve on the Senate prior to commencement of his or her term.
5. Those holding regular appointments carrying faculty rank within the Schools/College shall be eligible to vote for elected Senators and to serve as elected Senators.
6. In the first election of Senators, one-half of those elected shall serve until the elections of Fall, 1977, and one-half shall serve until the elections of Fall, 1978. In subsequent elections, Senators shall be elected for two-year terms.
7. Questions arising as to whether any Senator may be represented by an alternate substitute or proxy shall be resolved by By-Law or by an Article V, paragraph 4, vote.
1. The Senate shall meet regularly at least once per semester and shall hold additional meetings at the call of the Chair of the Senate, or the President, or upon petition by any seven Senators.
2. Meetings of the Senate shall be open unless otherwise determined by vote of the Senate.
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3. A quorum of 60% of the voting membership of the Senate is required to conduct Senate business.
4. Unless otherwise specified herein, action of the Senate shall be by a majority of those voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present.
5. The Chair or the Chair’s designee shall provide timely advance notice of time, place, and agenda to each Senator, and shall take appropriate steps to make such time, place, and agenda known to the academic community, as further provided in the By-Laws of the Senate.
6. The Chair may recognize a nonmember desiring to speak; however, the decision of the Chair is subject to overruling by the Senate.
7. In the event that an emergency situation requires Senate action outside the two regular semesters, a special meeting of the Senate shall be called. If it proves impossible to assemble a quorum, then the Executive Committee may act for the Senate; in the event an Executive Committee member or members are unavailable in such situation, alternates will function in their places.
8. The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Senate in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution or any special rules of order adopted by the Senate.
1. There shall be four officers of the Senate as follows: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Parliamentarian, elected for one-year terms by the voting members of the Senate from the Article IV, paragraph 3, members of the Senate.
2. Election of officers shall take place at a meeting held within two weeks of the beginning of each academic year.
3. The duties of the officers shall be the usual duties as further specified in the By-Laws.
4. All officers except the Chair shall retain their voting privileges. The chair may vote when there are matters requiring 2/3 vote, when there is a tie vote on a matter requiring a majority, or when there is a secret ballot.
1. There shall be such permanent Senate Committees as are provided for in the By-Laws.
2. Either the Chair or the Senate may also create such ad hoc committees as are determined to be appropriate. Such committees shall be composed of any number of persons as determined by the Chair or the Senate, respectively. The jurisdiction and power of the committees shall be as may constitutionally be given in their act of creation, always subject to Senate approval.
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3. Each Senate Committee shall be composed of no less than three persons, at least two of whom are not primarily affiliated with the same School/College. Committee members shall be recommended by the Chair for Senate approval.
4. The jurisdiction and powers of Senate Committees shall extend to such matters consonant with the purposes and jurisdiction of the Senate, respectively, as may be designated in their acts of formation. Each Committee may make findings and recommendations which are, however, subject to Senate approval.
5. a. There shall be created under Article III, paragraph 3d, three Appointment, Reappointment, Rank and Tenure (ARRT) Committees, one each for the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Law, and the combined Schools of Business Administration, Education, and Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. These committees shall be constituted as the concerned Schools/College provide.
b. Whenever a School/College faculty includes ten or more tenured members, that School/College may, if it wishes, have its own ARRT Committee.
c. Each ARRT Committee shall make its personnel recommendations directly to the President of the University.
6. a. There is hereby created a Senate Executive Committee, composed of the four Senate Officers (Article VI) and two other Senators, elected by the Senate for one-year terms. In addition, alternates one through four shall be elected by the Senate for one-year terms.
b. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to facilitate Senate business and communications in the University. Executive Committee actions require a two-thirds vote at a Committee meeting with a quorum of four committee members present.
1. Although final authority in determining the nature of the University and its policies rests in the Board of Trustees, “the faculty has primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process.” (1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities, V. The Academic Institution: The Faculty [AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, 1990, p. 123]).
2. The Senate will exercise those responsibilities which are included under its University-wide jurisdiction, while the faculties of the Schools/College will exercise those responsibilities which are included under their intraschool jurisdictions.
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3. The Senate may forward a decision or recommendation to the President who shall reply within a period of thirty days. The reply will specify the President’s response in one of the following forms: approval; submission to the Board of Trustees, if applicable; rejection and return to the Senate with reasons given for such rejection; request for further information from the Senate or for reconsideration based upon submission of additional data. If the Senate, after reconsideration, reaffirms its decision or recommendation, it may appeal the matter to the Board of Trustees and be heard thereon.
Amendments to this Constitution will become effective when approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, by a majority of the faculty voting, and by the President.
By-Laws may be adopted to implement, not amend, this Constitution; such By-Laws become effective when approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, by a majority of the faculty voting, and by the President.
This Constitution shall be adopted upon affirmative vote of a majority of the faculty of the University and the approval of the President.
The purpose of these By-Laws is to provide structures and procedures to implement the Constitution of the University of San Diego Senate.
Section A: General Education
The Senate has jurisdiction over general policy guidelines concerning the general education program as it applies to undergraduate students in the Schools and Colleges granting baccalaureate degrees. The Senate shall ensure that general education reflects distribution in the fundamental areas of knowledge indispensable in an undergraduate education in the Judeo-Christian tradition. However, for a matter pertinent to general education to be within the Senate’s jurisdiction, that matter must directly affect the undergraduate students when at least two Schools/Colleges have not reached agreement regarding the matter. For the purposes of this section, Diversified Liberal Arts students shall be considered students of both the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education.
Section B: Appointment, Reappointment, Rank and Tenure
The Senate shall have jurisdiction over general policies pertaining to two or more schools regarding faculty appointment, reappointment, rank and tenure (ARRT) except where
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reserved by tradition or agreement to the faculty of a School/College. The Senate may promulgate minimum general rules implementing AAUP standards or standards of accrediting agencies concerning ARRT. The procedure for conforming thereto would be at the option of each ARRT Committee. The following fall outside the jurisdiction of the Senate: general rules relating to minimum waiting time for tenure; standards to be applied in the grant of tenure; weighing of various criteria for tenure; and the grant or denial of tenure, reappointment, or promotion in individual faculty members’ cases.
The Senate shall require that each ARRT policy be in writing and submitted to the Senate for its approval of the fact that the provisions for notice of eligibility, opportunity for the affected faculty member to present written evidence, and opportunity to obtain a fair hearing conform to academic due process. Such policy shall be conclusively deemed to conform to academic due process for the life of the policy unless a motion to disapprove such a policy is made and seconded within 8 class weeks after the policy is submitted to the Senate. In such case, the approval or disapproval of such policy shall be affirmatively decided by the Senate.
The Senate shall have jurisdiction over claims by individual faculty members denied affirmative personnel decisions who have exhausted their remedies within their School or College that such denial resulted from failure by the ARRT Committee to follow its written policies with respect to notice, opportunity to present evidence, or the opportunity to obtain a fair hearing. If the Senate finds that the ARRT Committee’s policy with respect to notice, opportunity to present evidence, or the opportunity to obtain a fair hearing was not followed, the Senate shall return the matter to the appropriate ARRT Committee for reconsideration in conformity with that Committee’s published procedures in effect at the time the original decision was made or in effect when reconsideration takes place whichever are more favorable to the aggrieved faculty member.
Section C: General Quality of Studies and General Student Welfare
The Senate has jurisdiction of matters concerning the general quality of studies and general student welfare, provided that those matters are of University-wide concern.
1. Subjects Excepted. The following subjects are dealt with in Sections A, B, E, and F, and are excluded from Section C, whether or not they entail consideration of general quality of studies or of general student welfare: the undergraduate general education program; faculty appointment, reappointment, rank and tenure; faculty status; and budget.
2. “Two Schools” Requirement. In order for a matter to be considered within the Senate’s jurisdiction regarding general quality of studies, that matter must directly concern the quality of studies of two or more Schools/Colleges, at least two of which have not excepted that matter by prior agreement with the University. In order for a matter to be considered within the Senate’s jurisdiction regarding general student welfare that matter must directly concern the students of two or more Schools/Colleges, at least two of which have not excepted that matter by prior agreement with the University.
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3. Exclusion. In no event may the Senate interfere with, modify, or abrogate any agreement between the University and a University School/College concerning general quality of studies or general student welfare.
Section D: Recommendations of Honorary Degrees
Proposals that the Senate recommend an individual as a candidate for an honorary degree should comport with the Honorary Degrees Policy in this Handbook. Honorary degree proposals will be referred to the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees for further action.
The Committee on Honorary Degrees will investigate honorary degree proposals referred to it at such time and in such manner as it considers to be appropriate to fulfill its and the Senate’s functions. The Committee’s investigation will be conducted in a manner calculated to protect persons who are proposed for honorary degrees from unnecessary dissemination of unfavorable comment or other information.
The Committee’s investigation will conclude with a written report recommending persons as candidates for honorary degrees. The report will be made to the Board of Trustees, and will be prepared in the name of the University Senate. No written report will be made of persons who are not recommended as candidates for honorary degrees. In its report the Committee will include the following information:
1. the person, group, School or College proposing the person for an honorary degree;
2. a brief biography of the person;
3. a statement of the reasons in support of the recommendation, indicating how the candidate meets the criteria articulated in the Honorary Degrees Policy.
The Committee’s report will be distributed to all Senate members. The Committee’s report and recommendations will become the Senate’s report and recommendations unless, within one week after its distribution, at least three Senators request that the Senate’s Chair make the Committee’s report and recommendations an agenda item at the Senate’s next meeting.
If the Committee’s report is made an agenda item, the Senate will make its own decision regarding the report and recommendations. In doing so the Senate will take into account the Committee’s report and recommendations and such other information as the Senate deems appropriate. The Senate may accept or refuse to accept the Committee’s report and recommendations in toto, may accept the report and recommendations as modified by the Senate, or may postpone final action on the report and recommendations pending further action by the Committee.
Senate recommendations of candidates for honorary degrees will be forwarded by the Senate Chair through the Office of the President or the President’s delegate to the Board of Trustees.
The Senate may propose policies, procedures, and criteria for the recommendation of persons for honorary degrees. The Senate may publish criteria for its recommendation of
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persons to be candidates for honorary degrees. The Committee on Honorary Degrees may publish its procedures for investigating proposals of persons for honorary degrees.
Section E: Faculty Status
The Senate has jurisdiction to assure that each faculty member is covered by general faculty status policies that will foster an atmosphere in which effective teaching and research can be conducted in all segments of the University. Each School/College or the University as a whole may originate such policies. “Faculty status” includes such matters as faculty morale, faculty grievances, faculty leaves of absence, grants and awards to faculty, faculty retirement programs, faculty salaries and faculty fringe benefits. Matters covered by Article I, Section B, are not covered by this section.
Section F: Budget
The Senate may consider general budgetary guidelines in so far as they impact on Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Section G: Exclusions
In addition to the items excluded from Senate jurisdiction by other sections of Article I, Jurisdiction, of these By-Laws, the Senate does not have jurisdiction to recommend students for University degrees or jurisdiction over the provision of instruction or supervision of students within a School or College. The Senate does not have jurisdiction over curriculum, academic or admission standards, research, or scholarship, provided they comply with the minimum standards established for general quality of studies. Any jurisdiction not specifically conferred on the Senate by the Constitution and these By-Laws is reserved to the faculty of the appropriate College or School.
The University Senate may receive from and propose to the President, the several Colleges/Schools, University-wide committees, and students of the University such recommendations as fall within the purposes of the University Senate.
If the Senate desires to make a recommendation on a matter known to be under consideration by a University-wide committee, such Senate recommendation shall be addressed to the pertinent committee prior to the conclusion of its deliberations.
Section A: Reapportionment
The Provost shall provide annually, by the 1st of March, to the Secretary, the FTE faculty and FTE students figures specified by Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. The Executive Committee shall meet and apply the percentage system established by Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution to the figures provided to determine annually the reapportionment of elected Senators. The Executive Committee shall notify the Deans of
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the several Schools/Colleges of the reapportionment results in time to conduct the annual elections to the Senate.
Section B: Duties of Officers
1. Chair. The Chair shall: a) serve as the presiding officer; b) call meetings of the Senate; and c) preside over meetings of the Executive Committee.
2. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall preside over the Senate in the absence of the Chair and shall act for the Chair in time of temporary incapacity.
3. Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for: a) preparation of the minutes of each meeting; b) maintenance of files and records of the Senate; c) transmission of communications from the Senate; and d) receipt of communications to the Senate.
4. Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall, upon request by the Chair or any member, advise the Senate and the Chair on matters of parliamentary procedure, in accordance with Article V, Section 8, of the Constitution.
Section C: Meetings
1. Regular Meetings. A schedule of regular meetings for the academic year shall be promulgated at the meeting held for the election of officers.
2. Agenda. In order to have a matter placed on the agenda of a regular Senate meeting, it shall be filed with the Secretary no later than six school days prior to the meeting.
3. Notice. The Chair, or the Chair’s designee, shall notify each Senator and members of the academic community of the time, place, and agenda for meetings of the Senate at least four days in advance of each meeting except when circumstances require a shorter period of notice. Notice of the time, place and agenda for a meeting shall be distributed to the Deans of the several Schools/Colleges, the Dean of Students, the heads of the several student governments, and the University librarians for dissemination to their respective segments of the academic community.
4. Additional Meetings. When an additional meeting is called by the President or upon petition by any seven or more members as provided in Article V, Section 1, of the Constitution, the President or petitioners shall file notice of call of the meeting with the Secretary and provide notice of time, place, and agenda to each Senator and the academic community in accordance with subsection 3 above.
5. Presentation of Business. While a nonmember may be permitted to address the Senate in accordance with Article V, Section 6, of the Constitution, business may only be brought before the Senate by a motion of a member.
Section D: Voting
Except as provided in Article III, Section E, Clause 2, a vote may not be cast by a nonmember, nor may membership rights be reassigned by a member to any other person.
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Section E: Vacancies
1. Permanent Vacancy. A permanent vacancy in an elected seat (other than by expiration of term of office) occurs upon resignation or termination of service to the School/College represented. In the event of such vacancy, the School/College shall elect a successor who shall serve for the balance of the vacated term. Such election should be held within two weeks of the occurrence of the vacancy.
2. Temporary Vacancies. Each School/College shall elect two (2) Alternate Senators who shall be designated as the First Alternate and Second Alternate respectively in accordance with the procedures of Article IV of the Constitution. Alternate Senators may attend meetings of the Senate. If a voting Senator is unable to attend a meeting of the Senate, upon notice to the Chair at or prior to the commencement of the meeting, the person designated First Alternate from the School/College shall be entitled to all rights of membership on the Senate for that meeting. If the First Alternate is unable to attend the meeting, or if more than one voting Senator is unable to attend the meeting, the Second Alternate shall be entitled to all rights of membership on the Senate for that meeting.
Section F: Special Rules
The Senate and its committees and subcommittees may adopt, by a majority of members present and voting, such special rules of order to facilitate the orderly and efficient conduct of its business as do not conflict with the Constitution or these By-Laws.
Section A: General
1. Role of Committees. The Senate shall accomplish its work through the use of Standing Committees and ad hoc Committees. Each Committee is an agent of the Senate and, unless otherwise specifically directed by the Senate, shall make its report to the Senate.
2. Membership. Nonmembers of the Senate, as well as members of the Senate, are eligible for committee membership. Where these By-Laws or the Constitution requires that membership be made up of staggered terms, then in the first selection of members one-half (or if there is an odd number, one less than one-half) shall be designated to serve one year terms.
3. Meetings.
a. Committees of the Senate shall meet as needed.
b. When feasible, timely notice of a committee meeting shall be given.
c. Sixty percent of a Committee shall constitute a quorum.
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d. Committee meetings generally will be open to all members of the USD community.
e. A Committee may, at its discretion, hold closed meetings.
f. The Chair of a Committee may recognize a nonmember desiring to speak: however, the decision of the Chair may be overruled by a majority of the Committee.
4. Committee Action. Unless otherwise provided herein, action by a Committee may be taken only at a meeting where a quorum is present and only upon the assent of a majority of the whole committee.
5. Subcommittees.
a. Subcommittees may be appointed by the Chair of any Committee, subject to the consent of the members present.
b. Any Subcommittee reports back to the whole Committee which may accept, reject, modify, or order further study of the work of the Subcommittee.
6. Committee Reports. All Committee recommendations and opinions shall be reported in writing to the Senate with all convenient speed. Committee reports, recommendations, and opinions will be made available or circulated to Senate members at least six days in advance of any Senate meeting at which the report or proposal is to be considered, except when circumstances otherwise require. In addition, at the end of the academic year, each Standing Committee shall file with the Secretary of the Senate a written summary report of its activities. Copies of the Standing Committees’ summary reports shall be made available to members of the Senate and to any other faculty member upon request.
Section B: The Senate Executive Committee
1. Establishment. There is a Senate Executive Committee as provided in the Constitution of the University of San Diego Senate.
2. Officers. The Senate officers shall serve the same offices on the Committee as on the Senate.
3. Meetings. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair.
Section C: The Committee on Budget
1. Establishment. There shall be a Committee on Budget whose function is to articulate faculty concerns and priorities to the persons concerned in the budget process. The Committee shall report its findings and/or its recommendations to the Senate.
2. Membership. The Committee shall consist of at least five members of the faculty elected in accordance with Article VII, Section 3, of the Constitution. Membership will comprise staggered two-year terms.
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3. Officers. The Committee shall elect a Chair and a Secretary.
Section D: The Committee on Jurisdiction
1. Establishment. There shall be a Committee on Jurisdiction whose function is to ascertain whether particular matters concerning the general quality of studies and general student welfare fall within the jurisdiction of the Senate. The Committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the Senate.
2. Membership. The Committee shall consist of five members of the faculty elected by the Senate in accordance with Article VII, Section 3, of the Constitution. Membership will comprise staggered two-year terms.
3. Officers. The Committee shall elect a Chair and a Secretary.
Section E: The Committee on Honorary Degrees
1. Establishment. There shall be a Committee on Honorary Degrees whose functions include evaluation of persons proposed for honorary degrees and recommendation to the Senate of those persons who should be awarded honorary degrees.
2. Membership. The Committee shall consist of five members of the faculty elected by the Senate in accordance with Article VII, Section 3, of the Constitution. Membership will comprise staggered two-year terms.
3. Officers. The Committee shall elect a Chair and a Secretary.
Section F: The Committee on Benefits Policy
1. Establishment. There shall be a Committee on Benefits Policy whose functions include:
a) analyze and make recommendations to the Senate regarding the desirability of revisions to the University employee benefits policies and procedures falling within Senate jurisdiction, with particular emphasis on those currently set forth in Chapters 2.2 and 2.3 of the University’s Policy and Procedure Manual;
b) advise the Senate regarding proposals originating in the Senate or elsewhere within the University to add new benefits or to eliminate or modify existing benefits in the University’s employee benefits package.
c) facilitate communication among Finance and Administration, the President’s Advisory Council, and the University Senate concerning employee benefits policies and procedures.
d) regularly analyze and report on the University’s employee benefits package in comparison with the benefits package of other institutions with which the University generally competes for its employees including faculty.
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2. Membership. Members of the Senate Benefits Committee will be chosen by the Senate’s Chair with advice and consent of the Senate, and will serve two-year staggered terms. Committee Membership will consist of University employees, as follows:
a) Three faculty members (drawn from three academic units), one or more of whom is a member of the Senate and one of whom is a member of the University-wide Human Resources Advisory Committee;
b) Two members who have been recommended to the Senate’s chair by the Staff Employees Association;
c) One member who has been recommended to the Senate’s Chair by the Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration;
d) One member recommended to the Senate’s Chair by the President to represent administrative staff.
3. Officers. The Committee shall elect its Chair and such other officers as it considers to be necessary to carry out its functions.
These By-Laws and any amendment thereto become effective when approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, by a majority of the faculty voting in a referendum thereon, and by the President, provided that any amendment has been submitted in writing to the faculty at least fourteen days prior to the referendum.