C. elegans Wnt pathway proteins sequences (in FASTA format)
P. pacificus Wnt pathway proteins sequences (in FASTA format)
Pristionchus.org - P. pacificus molecular-genetic database
Align Two Protein Sequences using BLAST (at NCBI)
Alliance of Genome Resources - acquire protein sequences from other model organisms here
WormBase - C. elegans molecular-genetic database
How to make a multiple sequence alignment (MSA)
EBI Clustal Omega - multiple seqence alignment (MSA) tool
NCBI Conserved Domain Search - examine the domain structure of your potential orthologs
Search InterPro by text - Protein family database
DNA & Amino acids information - for understanding AA 'similarities' assessed for alignments
Bio & Chem 330 sequence analysis page - other useful links may be found here