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Figure 3 - Serotonin-IR neurons specific to the C. elegans male. Above: photomontage showing CP motoneurons in the male ventral nerve cord, and ray neuron somata, an unpaired soma and extensive serotonin-IR arborization in the tail stained with anti-serotonin and a rhodamine-conjugated secondary antibody. Neuronal somata are labeled with arrows identical to those below. Right lateral view of an adult male posterior; dorsal is up and anterior to the right. Below: tracing of above preparation identifying neurons labeled with arrows.Thick solid line shows outline of the worm. Curved arrows labelled R1, R3, R9: somata of neurons associated with sensory rays 1, 3, and 9. Long straight arrow labelled RPAG: soma of unpaired neuron found in the right preanal ganglion. Position of the soma and a single ablation experiment suggest that this neuron is either PDC (P11.papa) or PGA (P11.papp), derived from the neuroblast P11.p. Bright staining just anterior and ventral to this soma is an extensive serotonin-IR arborization in the preanal ganglion. Short arrows labeled CP6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: somata of CP neurons of the indicated number. The CP neuron (Pn.aapp) is named as the posterior daughter of the neuroblast in the "C" position of the Pn.a neuroblast lineage.