Table 2. Serotonin-IR neurons in the male tail
Genotype Alteration of ray pattern* Pattern of serotonin-IR somata
Wild type None 3 present (rays 1, 3, 9)
mab-5 Rays 1-6 missing 2 anterior somata missing
egl-5 Ray 6 missing 3 present
lin-22 Additional ray 1-like 3 normal present plus extra
structures along body somata along body
pal-1 Ray 1 displaced anteriorly, 1 soma displaced anteriorly,
rays 2-6 missing 1 posterior soma present
Data are patterns of serotonin-IR somata found in tails of wild-type males and
mutant males with altered patterns of sensory rays. The observations are
consistent with autonomous expression of a serotonergic phenotype among the remaining ray neurons in these mutants. *References for altered ray patterns are as follows: mab-5 (Kenyon, 1986), egl-5 (Chisholm, 1991), lin-22 (Horvitz et al., 1983, Waring et al., 1992), pal-1 (Waring
and Kenyon, 1990).