Fig.4 Click for larger version

FIGURE 4 - Expression of a K08F8.4-lacZ reporter fusion gene in C. elegans. An in-frame protein fusion in the second predicted intron of the K08F8.4 gene to the lacZ gene was made in the vector pPD21.28 with a 6.7 kb fragment of genomic DNA. The beta-galactosidase fusion protein also contains a nuclear localization signal. All of the worms are Rollers because of the presence of the rol-6 dominant transformation marker gene. (A) An adult hermaphrodite showing staining in lateral and syncitial hypodermal nuclei, and especially strong staining in the tail. This is a composite of 5 different photographs in slightly different focal planes spliced together digitally. The background, but not the specimen, has been retouched. (B) Staining is found in ventral hypodermal nuclei, but not in ventral nerve cord neurons. (C) Stained hypodermal nuclei in the adult lateral body wall, right side. This region directly underlies adult alae, lateral cuticular ridges. Note the presence of several unstained small nuclei of the postdereid, a peripheral sensory structure containing neurons and support cells.