TABLE I - Comparisons of K08F8.4 with other AAAH proteins.
Column 1 shows protein name and total length. Column 2 shows % identity of K08F8.4 with an easily aligned 334 amino acid common core of each AAAH protein. In parentheses are the number of identical amino acids over the number aligned. Column 3 shows % identity with maximum number of amino acids that were readily aligned. In parentheses are the number of identical amino acids over the number aligned. Pairwise alignments were performed using SIM (; Huang and Miller, 1991)
K08F8.4 (457) vs     % identity (334 AAs)     % identity (max)
Rat PheH (453)         63.5 (212/334)           56.9 (248/436)
Dm Phe/TrpH (453)      64.1 (214/334)           58.4 (239/409)
Rat TrpH (444)         56.6 (189/334)           49.3 (213/432)
Ce TrpH (576)          49.1 (164/334)           49.1 (168/342)
Rat TH (498)           54.5 (182/334)           54.1 (183/338)
Dm TH (508)            52.7 (176/334)           45.4 (196/432)
Ce TH (404)            47.0 (157/334)           46.3 (187/404)