Place of Birth: Beirut, Lebanon.
Citizenship: Naturalized U.S. Citizen (1992).
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 2001-2003.
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 1995-1996.
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 1994 (Honors).
Registered Professional Engineer (Mechanical Engineering) in California.
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Fellow.
Member of Water Energy Environment by Invitation (WEEBI) in San Diego.
University of San Diego, San Diego, CA (2014-Present):
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering
Teaching freshman-level general engineering core courses, Introduction to Engineering ENGR 101and ENGR 102.
Teaching junior and senior mechanical engineering major courses Fluid Mechanics, MENG 360 and Heat Transfer, MENG 400.
Teaching hands-on laboratory courses, Fluid Mechanics Laboratories, MENG 360L and Heat Transfer Laboratories, MENG 400L.
Teaching technical elective course Computational Fluid Dynamics, MENG 494.
Participating in the Living Learning Community (LLC) program.
Advising over 50 ME students. Meet with students regarding their academic goals.
Guide undergraduate students in research projects.
Sandia National Laboratories (2004-2014):
Manager, Energy Systems Engineering and Analysis Department, Livermore, CA (2012-2014)
Leading a group of scientists and engineers working on various projects including the Sandia Cooler project, a multi-million dollar project funded by DOE and consisting of experimental and computational task.
Manager, Structural and Thermal Analysis Department, Albuquerque, NM (2009-2012)
Lead the team that provided structural and safety analysis for Curiosity (Rover that landed on Mars in August 2012).
Program manager for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) projects lead by staff under my supervision between 2010 and 2012.
Contributed to the effort creating a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Sandia Labs and the University of New Mexico.
Provide project management for the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project for DOE. The largest fire test to date was performed at Sandia under this project.
Provide Advanced Simulation and Computing program management to DOE.
Member of Technical Staff, Albuquerque, NM (2004-2009)
Responsible for the development of the MASCOT tool for the emergency center at the NRC.
Responsible for the High Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) code development and assessment project.
Performed FLUENT simulations for spent fuel pool for nuclear reactors.
Provide numerical simulations for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) caverns.
Involved in code development of MELCOR, an engineering-level computer code developed at Sandia that models the progression of severe accidents in nuclear power plants.
Responsible for numerical and experimental thermal studies of transportation packages. Performed thermal analysis of packages using PATRAN, FLUENT, and other codes developed at Sandia.
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (2006-2012):
Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Teaching Internal Combustion Engine class to seniors and graduate students in the engineering department.
Lead a group of about 20 students every year in a project consisting of building a race car to participate in FSAE.
University of California, San Diego, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Assistant (2001-2003):
Numerical and experimental studies of Supercritical Fluids Expansions.
Teaching Assistant for several upper division engineering courses.
Research Assistant in Gas Dynamics Laboratory.
Hamilton Sundstrand, United Technologies, San Diego, CA (1997-2001):
Conduct structural analyses of rotating and static components for small gas turbine engines. Analyses included application of finite element methods, heat transfer and fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, C and Fortran programming.
Responsible for mechanical design for several structural and high speed rotating components using UNIGRAPHICS and other CAD programs.
Responsible for conducting the qualification testing for vibrations for several components and systems.
Responsible for conducting engine tests in support of development activities.
Composite Optics Incorporated, San Diego, CA (1996):
Design of composite lightweight structures used in aerospace industry.
Testing of composite structures.
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) fellow nomination award, a membership grade of distinction. (2018)
Nominated for Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award by the office of undergraduate research, USD. (2018 and 2016)
Received the Mortar Board Award of the Alcala Chapter in recognition of outstanding Scholarship, Leadership and Service, USD. (2018 and 2015)
Woman of Impact nomination award, USD. (2017)
Best Presentation Award. 19th International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Fuel Management. (2017)
Employee Recognition Award at Sandia Labs for LNG project. (2010)
Received several Spot Awards at Sandia in recognition of my contribution. (2004-2014)
Powell Graduate Fellowship, UCSD. (2002-2003)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant award, UCSD. (1994-1995)
UCSD Regent Scholar. (1991-1994)
Collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories to study the thermal-hydraulic response of dry storage cask simulators for spent nuclear fuel. (2018-2019)
Collaboration on research with Professor Roger Ghanem, an expert in uncertainty quantification at Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California. (2016-Present)
Supervising undergraduate research for Quinn Pratt, supported by ERC School of Engineering, USD. (February 2016-Present)
Supervised undergraduate research for Harrison Schmachtenberger, recipient of Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) award. (summer 2016)
Supervised research for Antoine Gatinet, a visiting scholar from France. (September 2015-February 2016)
Member of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee, USD. (October 2016-Present)
Member of the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering Career Readiness Program committee. (2016-Present)
Founded the ASHRAE San Diego chapter student group at USD, served as faculty advisor. (2014-2016)
Faculty advisor for 3DUSD, a 3D printing student organization, established in September 2015.
ession chair at the AAAS Pacific Division Annual Meeting, USD. (summer 2016)
Participated in Spring Transfer Day, USD. (2016 and 2017)
Participated in the visit of Chief Administrator for the U.S. EPA to USD. (October 2015)
Attended the Society of Women Engineer Evening with Industry event, USD. (2016 and 2017)
Invited by Qualcomm's Women in Science and Engineering to attend the IEEE Women in Engineering event, San Diego. (September 2016)
NSF Reviewer, served as a panelist for the review of proposals submitted to the NSF Fluid Dynamics program, 12 proposals. (March 2016)
2016. “Uncertainty Quantification in Two-dimensional Simulations of Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies”, AAAS Pacific Division Annual Meeting, San Diego.
2016. “Uncertainty Quantification Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Numerical Simulations of Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies”, Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research, South Korea.
DOE, Office of Renewable Energy, "Numerical Study of Energy Usage of USD Buildings Using EnergyPlus," Sponsored by Oakridge National Laboratory, $198K, 2015. (declined)
National Science Foundation Career Award, "Design optimization under uncertainty of wind turbines blades”, $575K, 2015. (declined)
Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. (August 2015)
17th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources, Paris, France. (June 2015)
NETI workshop, American Society for Engineering Education, Seattle, Washington. (June 2015)
New Faculty training and Blackboard training sessions, USD. (August 2014)
Imane Khalil et al, “Modeling a thermoplate conical heat exchanger in a point focus solar thermal collector”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (2019)
Imane Khalil et al, “MATLAB/FLUENT Model for Studying the Uncertainty Quantification of Spent Nuclear Fuel Heat Transfer”, Nuclear Technology Journal. submitted (2018)
Imane Khalil et al, “Experimental and numerical modeling of heat transfer in directed thermoplates”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (2018)
Imane Khalil et al, “Heat Transfer Modeling of Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Uncertainty Quantification and Polynomial
Chaos Expansion”, Journal of Heat Transfer. (2018)
Imane Khalil et al, “Two-Dimensional Modeling of Spent Nuclear Fuel Using FLUENT”, International Journal of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering. (2017)
Program Manager Imane Khalil, “Development of the Sandia Cooler”, Sandia Report, SAND 2013-10712, December 2013.
Imane Khalil and Steve Webb. “Numerical Simulations of Lab-Scale Brine-Water Mixing Experiments”. Sandia Report, SAND 2006-5418. October 2006.
Imane Khalil and Joe Koski. “Response of a Rail Cask to Long Exposures of Small and Offset Pool Fires”. 46th Annual Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Conference, July 2005.
Ahti Suo-Anttila, Carlos Lopez, Imane Khalil, “Users Manual for CAFE-3D: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Fire Code”, Sandia Report, SAND 2005-1469, March 2005.
Khalil and D. Miller. “The Free-Jet Expansion of Supercritical CO2 From a Capillary Source”. Proc. of the 24th Int. Symp. on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Bari, Italy, 2004.
Khalil and D. Miller. “The Structure of Supercritical Fluid Free-Jet Expansions”. AIChE Journal, Vol 50, No.11, November 2004.
Khalil and D. Miller. “The Interaction of a Supercritical Fluid Free-Jet Expansion with a Flat Surface”. Proceedings of the 6th Int. Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Vol. 1, page 655, Versailles, France, 2003.
Imane Khalil, “Free Jet Expansion of Supercritical CO2”, PhD Thesis, University of California San Diego, 2003.
Available upon request.