LATEST UPDATE: No SSH access from off-campus
Remote Access
Our Linux cluster and also the machines in ST383 are behind USD's firewall so you cannot access them directly from off-campus. What you need to do is to first log into a USD server that is not behind the firewall, and then from there you can ssh into our Linux machines. The default port numbers for ssh into most machines are usually 22 or 23, however server uses port 42670 for access.
If you're not on campus, don't run applications that start up a graphical user interface (such as Maestro, Spartan, molden) because it will tie down the network. If you're on-campus, it should be okay because our campus intranet should be able to handle it.
Using Windows/PC
There are several ssh clients you can use such as PuTTY and WinSSH.
PuTTY is the simplest. You can do a Google search and download the client from a variety of sites, for example:
(Use the first link to the right of "PuTTY", putty.exe)
Save the client program on your Desktop so you can have quick access to it.
To ssh into any server, startup PuTTY. A window should pop-up prompting you for information.
Under host name, enter
Change the port number to 42670
Make sure that the "SSH" button is clicked (it usually is by default)
Click on Open.
In the Xwindow that opens, for the login, type in your username and password at the appropriate prompts.
You can now ssh into the nodes.
Once you log into the server, everything should be the same as if you were in the research lab, such as accessing the nodes. Remember, DO NOT RUN JOBS ON THE SERVER.
Using Mac with OS X or higher
Startup the application "Terminal" or "X11". These can be found in the Utilities folder which is in the Applications folder on the Hard Drive. (You probably want to have a copy of the application on your Dock or make a copy of it for your desktop for easy access.)
At the command prompt, type
ssh -p 42670
You can now ssh into the nodes.
Once you log into the server, everything should be the same as if you were in the research lab, such as accessing the nodes. Remember, DO NOT RUN JOBS ON THE SERVER.