To do a conformer search, go to Setup > Calculations
In the Calculate box, select "Conformer Distribution" (the default usually reads "Equilibrium Geometry")
1. As a first quick pass, I usually select "Molecular Mechanics" (after the word with) and "MMFF".
The MMFF force field usually does a reasonably good job with most organic molecules. It is much, much faster than any of the other methods particularly if there are potentially many conformers.
2. I suggest unchecking the "Symmetry" box the first time so you maximize the number of conformers obtained.
3. Then click "Submit".
When the job is done, Spartan will generate a new file with the suffix Conformer.spartan
To view the conformers,
1. Open your Conformer.spartan file in Spartan.
2. Then under Display > Spreadsheet, you will be able to see all the conformers. Click on the row of each conformer to see it. If you check the box, you can see multiple conformers overlaid on each other.
3. I like to see the energy differences by first clicking on "Add" and picking "E" and hitting "Okay".