Get some practice:
On saber3,
Copy the template.inp file from ~jkua/example/ into your current directory and rename it test.inp
Try out some of the commands above.
In particular, try:
• deleting the line (that reads Delete this line)
• pasting in all lines that begin with C from ~jkua/examples/ethanol.inp (try to do this with cut and paste - it's easier with two terminal windows open)
• changing the word Optimization to SP
• changing the value in the line SCF_CONVERGENCE from 8 to 5
• adding a new line under this that reads SCF_GUESS = READ
• adding a new line under this that reads SOLVENT_METHOD = SMD
• adding three new lines to the bottom of the file that read
• quitting vi without saving the changes, and then reopening the file
• writing/saving the new file and quitting vi
Copy the file from ~jkua/example/ into your current directory and rename it
Using the search and replace, try to replace all instances of "myfile" with "test" within the file.
Take a look at the file ~jkua/example/ethanol.out (you might have copied it to your home directory already in the Unix tutorial.)
• Go to the bottom of the file and work your way backwards with Ctrl-B until you see the text "OPTIMIZATION CONVERGED". A few lines above it you will see a line that reads Final Energy is -155.08851.
• Go back to the top of the file and search for "Total energy". How many instances are there?
• Quit vi, and try to grep the lines that gave you the total and final energies so you can see the values without opening the file with vi.