Chemistry 151
General Chemistry

Fall 2018

How CHEM151 and CHEM151L connect to USD's Core Learning Outcomes

All students who complete both CHEM151 and CHEM151L will fulfill two requirements of the core curriculum:
Explorations in Scientific and Technological Inquiry (ESTI)
Competency in Quantitative Reasoning (CQUR).

Learning Outcomes for ESTI
• Design and conduct an experimental and/or observational investigation to generate scientific knowledge or a technological solution to a problem.
• Analyze data using methods appropriate to the natural sciences and/or engineering in order to make valid and reliable interpretations.
• Explain the basic scientific concepts and theories relevant to the the area of study.
• Identify and use appropriate and sufficient scientific evidence to evaluate claims and explanations about the natural and designed world.

Learning Outcomes for CQUR
• Identification: Recognize and select quantitative information that is relevant to the argument (e.g. extract necessary data from larger datasets that may also contain non-relevant information).
• Calculation and Organization: Perform any necessary calculations (e.g. converting units, standardizing rates, applying formulas, solving equations), and put data into comparable forms (e.g. graphs, diagrams, tables, words).
• Interpretation: Interpret and explain data in mathematical forms, such as analyzing trends in graphs and making reasonable predictions about what the data suggest about future events.
• Evaluate Assumptions and Recognize Limitations: Make and evaluate important assumptions in estimating, modeling, and analysis of quantitative data as well as recognizing their limitations.
• Justification: Communicate carefully qualified conclusions and express quantitative evidence to support arguments.

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