chem396: Research Methods

Fall 2017

Detailed Schedule for Section 02

This is for Section 02 that meets Thursdays 2:30-3:50pm in MRH135.

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Research Project Groups with "Big Question" and "Serendipity" topics.

Class on 9/7: Introduction and What is Research?
Read through the course syllabus before class. (Come with questions.)
Selection of Slides from Week 1

Class on 9/14: Scientific Literature: types of publications and search engines
Read Let's Get Practical before class. There will be a quiz!
Read Unsolved Problems because you are going to list your top three choices.
Bring a laptop or other mobile device that you can use to access and search Internet resources.
The CRAAP Test Worksheet if you need an extra copy.
Fill out the Biography and submit it by noon on 9/18.
Selection of Slides from Week 2

Class on 9/21: Where do research ideas come from? Creativity in chemistry/biochemistry
Carolyn Bertozzi and Phil Baran are two chemists known for their research creativity. Read these brief descriptions about their lab research. Bertozzi Lab Baran Lab
Then read these interviews with the two scientists. (There'll be a reading quiz that's more general, i.e., you shouldn't be memorizing names of molecules.)
Bertozzi Reddit Interview
Baran ChemWorld Interview
In preparation for your group's Serendipity presentation on 10/19, read this article on the Serendipitous Discovery of Polyox.
(The presentation and rubric instructions are found in Class on 10/19.)

Class on 9/28: Reading the scientific literature
Find and select one relevant scientific journal article related to your group's Research Proposal topic.
• Prepare TWO copies of your analysis of the article according to this LiteratureReading rubric (docx) or pdf. and bring them to class.
• Here's a sample filled-out rubric according to this Whitesides paper.
• E-mail me a pdf of your chosen journal article BEFORE today's class.
For class today, read the Woodward-Hoffmann paper and an Interview with Hoffmann. There will be a reading quiz on the interview.
Here are the slides from today.
Optional: Check out this organic chemistry paper written creatively in iambic pentameter.

Class on 10/5: Hypothesis development and experimental design
Based on your group's discussions this past week, you will be developing a preliminary hypothesis for your research proposal. So come with some ideas to help move your group along!
No reading assignment today. Hurrah!

Class on 10/12: What is a Research Proposal and how is it written?
Read the Research Proposal Guide in preparation for class today. (There may be a reading quiz.)
Here are the slides from today.
Complete the Career Plan Worksheet (docx) or pdf and submit it by the beginning of class. Part of it requires you to:
• Complete an IDP at
• Visit the USD Career Development Center website.

Class on 10/19: Group presentations: Creativity and serendipity in chemistry/biochemistry
Look at all these files BEFORE working on your presentation.
The task: Presentation Guidelines
A PowerPoint file of your group's presentation must be e-mailed to me by 8am today, 10/19.
The Group Presentation Rubric I will use to to evaluate your group presentation.
You will fill out the Team Participation Rubric for each member in your team. You will turn these in at the beginning of class today.

Class on 10/26: Peer Review and how research gets published
Read this Peer Review Guide before class. (There may be a quiz on the guide.)
Then read this Case Study and come prepared to discuss in class.
Look at the Proposal Peer Review Form. You will be submitting these in preparation for the Funding Panel on 12/14.
Here are the slides from today.

Class on 11/2: Outlining your Research Proposal
At the end of today's class, your group will submit an outline of your research proposal following the Research Proposal Guide.
You may use this Outline Format (docx) or pdf as a template.
Try to write complete sentences in your outline. It will make things much clearer!

Class on 11/9: Research ethics and integrity (part 1)
Read the articles Truth and Consequences and Sugar Industry and Fat, and be prepared to discuss the issues in class.
For reference, the NYT article also refers to this JAMA article (we won't discuss the details in class).
Here are the slides from today.

Class on 11/16: Professional Development: finding a career path
No additional preparation needed since you've turned in your Career Plan Worksheets.
Here are the slides from today.

Class on 11/30: Research ethics and integrity (part 2, presentations)
Before class today, read the three cases that were NOT assigned to your group.
Bob Bailey case
Jenny Ito case
Jessica Banks case
Marty Brown case
Each group will present/facilitate its assigned research ethics case studies(10-12 minutes per group).
The Group Session Rubric I will use to to evaluate your group's session.
You will fill out the Team Participation Rubric for each member in your team (including yourself). You will turn these in at the beginning of class today.

Monday, 12/04, by noon: Your group's COMPLETE RESEARCH PROPOSAL must be e-mailed to me as a Word document (.docx).

Class on 12/07: Discussion of funding panels: What do you want to know?
Here are the slides from today.
Related to the research proposal: You will fill out the Team Participation Rubric for each member in your team (including yourself). You will turn these in at the beginning of class today.
After today's class you will be carefully reading and peer reviewing four research proposals, due at the beginning of next class.
Here is the Proposal Peer Review Form you will use.
Here are the four research proposals you will evaluate:

Class on 12/14: Funding Panel
Your peer reviews (four each) are due at the beginning of class today.
Be sure to have an additional copy for yourself that you can refer to when called upon to present or comment on a proposal.

Class on 12/21: Final Presentations from 11am-1pm according to Final Exam schedule
Your group's Final Presentation (Power Point file) is due by 10am today, 12/21.
The Group Presentation Rubric I will use to to evaluate your group's presentation.
Related to the Presentation (not the written proposal): You will fill out the Team Participation Rubric for each member in your team (including yourself). You will turn these in at the beginning of class today.

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