MCC - Model Syllabi and m/cCURE Definition
MCC members have developed a number of syllabi, specific to their own institution. These are grouped as cCURE and mCURE type courses, with or without collaboration.
Definitions: All CUREs implemented by MCC will contain the same elements: Scientific Background, Hypothesis Development, Proposal, Experiments/Teamwork to test hypothesis, Data Analysis and Conclusions, and Presentation, but differ in the extent of each between mCURE and cCURE.
Complete CURE ; A complete CURE (cCURE), as described in Bell 2010 [67], uses a whole semester and incorporates all aspects of research into a lab course.
Modular CURE : Students in a modular (mCURE) will develop a limited hypothesis within an experimental domain identified by the instructor (related to an MDH research question) and will explore their hypothesis with experimental techniques in a 4-5 week “module” of a course where they will have covered other experimental techniques and approaches in a more traditional manner. As a result of time limitation, an mCURE limits the extent of several components of research found in a cCURE.
Independent, Non Collaborative: Students in a class may work in teams and work towards class defined goals to accumulate sufficient data to allow appropriate data analysis and interpretation, but do not collaborate outside the class members.
Collaborative: Students in a class may work in teams and work towards class defined goals to accumulate sufficient data to allow appropriate data analysis and interpretation, but also interact and collaborate with a class at another institution or a different class at their own institution to extend the range of ideas explored and experimental techniques that they can propose and have access to experimental data allowing them to ask bigger, more relevant questions as a result of the scientific collaboration. Such collaborations will involve i) peer evaluation of hypothesis and results, and ii) peer sharing of data collection and analyses to extend the scientific questions asked.