MATH 118: Essentials of Trigonometry. Fall 2024

Course Syllabus and Class Policies

1.     Major Course topics:

·     Traversing Circles

·     The Unit Circle

·     The Sine and Cosine Functions

·     Sinusoidal Functions

·     Right Triangles

·     The Tangent Function

·     Inverses of Trigonometric Functions

·     Finding Angles

·     Other Trigonometric Functions and Trigonometric Identities

The tentative detailed schedule of the course can be found at .


2.     Course Learning Outcomes:

·     Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of essential topics of trigonometry. This includes knowledge of theorems with complete assumptions.

·     Students will demonstrate the ability to explain and use trigonometric functions, and perform computations accurately and efficiently.

·     Students will demonstrate the ability to solve problems involving triangles.

·     Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate mathematical ideas clearly.


3.     Regular attendance is really necessary.


4.     Be aware that the pace of the course will be quite fast. We meet only once a week, so we have only 13 regular meetings, and this includes the time for the weekly quizzes.


5.     You are required to read the assigned sections of the textbook (see below) before each class meeting.


6.     We will be using the open-source textbook "Active Prelude to Calculus" by Matthew Boelkins. You can download the copy by following the link . A hard copy can also be purchased.


7.     Office hours:



11:15 - 12:15


1:20 - 2:20


 12:00 - 2:00


1:20 - 2:20

and at other times, by appointment.


8.     Contact: The best way to contact me is by using e-mail ( I read e-mail many times during the day and night, except for one or two weekends when I am out of town.


9.     A primitive webpage for the course is at . You should check the webpage regularly for assignments, announcements, and links.


10.  Homework Assignments will be assigned and collected. The assignments will be graded mainly on effort. The total homework assignment score will count for 20% of the course grade. No late assignments will be accepted unless you arrange it with me in advance.


11.  There will be a short quiz (5-10 minutes) at the beginning of each class meeting except for the first and the last meeting. Quiz questions will refer to the recently covered material and to the new material you were supposed to read on your own. Two lowest quiz scores will be dropped, and the remaining scores will count for 40% of the course grade. Quizzes cannot be made up unless you have a valid reason for not taking the quiz and you notify me in advance of your absence.


12.  The final exam (Friday, December 20, 11:00 - 1:00) will be cumulative and its score will count for 40% of the course grade.


13.  Calculator policy on quizzes and exam: No electronic devices (calculators, tablets, cell phones, etc.) are allowed, unless explicitly required.


14.  Grading criteria are as follows:


Total percentage


90% and above


80% - 90%


60% - 80%


50% - 60%


below 50%


Of course, pluses and minuses will be used, close to cutoff boundaries. (In the unlikely case that the number of A's and B's falls below 40%, I will curve the grades up appropriately.) Based on recent years' data, my distribution of grades was close to the math department average.


15.  The Mathematics Department strongly promotes Academic Integrity. I hope issues related to academic integrity will not arise in our course. There have been some cases of cheating in math courses in the past – mainly the cases of submitting someone else’s work as well as cases of cheating during exams. Depending on the severity of the case, the possible consequences include: assigning the score of 0 on the given assignment, lowering the course grade, or even assigning an F in the course. The USD academic integrity policy can be found at 


16. Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with me during the first two weeks of class. All discussions will remain confidential. A student attempting to access Disability Services for the first time should begin by contacting the Disability and Learning Difference Resource Center (DLDRC) in SH, Room 300 (619/260-4655), e-mail: , website:  It is the student's responsibility to schedule an "intake" meeting with the DLDRC Director as soon as possible. 


17.  Health Resources: If you feel sick, please stay home to keep others healthy. The following USD resources are available to students:

· Student Health Center: (non-urgent email:

· MyWellness Portal: