COMP 465W: Software Engineering


Fall 2015


Detailed Project Schedule (Revised)




Introductory write-up (not graded) of approved project: 9/11/2015

Draft of the Requirement Specification (SRS) document: 10/2/2015

SRS document: 10/14/2015

Draft of the Design Document: 10/26/2015

The first rewrite of the SRS document: 11/16/2015

Design Document: 11/20/2015

Test Plan Document: 12/2/2015

The first rewrite of the Design Document: 12/4/2015

The second rewrite of the SRS document: 12/9/2015

The second rewrite of the Design Document: 12/14/2015

User Manual: 12/18/2015

Test Report: 12/18/2015

Project Presentation in class: 12/11/2015 or 12/14/2015


Complete project, including the rewrites of the test report and the user manual is due Friday, 12/18/15, midnight.