Biology 376 - Developmental Biology Links

updated 30 August 19

(Note: these are mostly external links; for local class resources go to the announcements/handouts page)

Reading (Lab 1) on microscopy and how cells are studied from 'Molecular Biology of the Cell,' 4th Edition, Alberts et al., 2002.
  • Chapter 9 intro - Visualizing Cells
  • Looking at the Structure of Cells in the Microscope - read through the section entitled 'The Confocal Microscope Produces...'

    Supplemental reading on Nomarski/DIC microscopy

  • What is C. elegans? (short reading)
  • Introduction to C. elegans from C. elegans II at the NCBI bookshelf
  • Introduction to C. elegans - YouTube lecture (26 min)
    For C. elegans neuronal patterning / RNAi projects:
    Some Ethanol Teratogenesis related links

    Comparison of Proportions - statistical test for percentages (need percentage and 'n'); uses a Chi-squared test.

    Links retained from previous years:

    Good General Developmental Biology Links

    Gilbert's Developmental Biology - Home page for our textbook

    The Virtual Embryo - another textbook/class-based site

    Developmental Biology Online - includes basic embryology, such as whole mounts and serial cross sections of frog and chick embryos

    Embryology - A Tulane Univ class website with all the Chick embryo serial cross sections

    2006 Nobel Prize for RNA Interference Discovery in C. elegans

    2002 Nobel Prize for C. elegans Developmental Biology

    Society for Developmental Biology - Contains information on research done by Society members, a Virtual Library dedicated to developmental biology, forums to discuss relevant topics and news on society events.

    Online access to the journal Developmental Biology

    BMC Developmental Biology - an open-access online journal - all articles freely available online.

    Teratology Society Home Page - A website with additional information on current research of abnormal development and birth defects. This site has a special emphasis in prevention and is geared towards professionals, students and the general public.

    Signaling pathway-related links

    The Hedgehog signaling pathway database - from the Ramirez-Weber Lab at San Francisco State University

    The Wnt homepage - by Roel Nusse at Stanford University

    Stem Cells and Cloning

    Conceiving a Clone - This site provides a timeline, list of techniques, and debates on cloning as well as allows you to virtually create a clone.

    Genetic Mosaics - This site explains how mice can be made mosaic. It also goes into how mosaicism can occur in humans.

    The Roslin Institute - famous for cloning the sheep "Dolly."

    Stem Cell Basics - NIH site with information on stem cells. The site also includes a description of stem cell applications, current research, and a summary of basics.

    Embryonic stem cell research: an ethical dilemma - from EuroStemCell

    Ethical issues in stem cell research - a reveiw article

    The Stem Cell Debate: Is it Over? - from Learn.Genetics

    Drosophila links

    The 1995 Nobel Prize for studies in Drosophila developmental biology

    FlyNome - stories explaining the origin of some Drosophila gene names, many odd, informative or amusing.

    Homophila (rhymes with Drosophila) - a serious database (although you couldn't tell by the home page graphics) matching Human disease genes to Drosophila homologs.

    Developmental Neurobiology links

    Growth Cones - from the Letourneau lab at Univ of Minnesota

    DrLetour's YouTube channel - cool good growth cone videos

    Growth Cone entry from the Manual of Cellular & Molecular Function at the National University of Singapore

    Other Organism-specific Links

    Amphibian Embryology Tutorial - This site provides detailed information, pictures, and videos on amphibian fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, and neurulation.

    Sea Urchin Fertilization Labs

    Chickscope 1.5 - This site has an overview of the development of chicks. Each 'egg' takes you to real photos from that stage of development.

    ... she turned me into a newt! - silly Monty Python (and the Holy Grail) movie reference from the Spemann lecture - the 'witch scene' on YouTube

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