Chemistry 101H
Chemistry and Society (Honors)

Spring 2008

Administrative Information

Class meets: TuTh 9:15-10:35am in ST 232
Class Text (required): Investigating Chemistry: A Forensic Science Perspective, by Matthew Johll

Class web site:

Instructor: Dr. Jeremy Kua
Office: ST 381
Phone: (619) 260-7970
Office hours: Mon 1:30-3pm, Tue 10:35-11:35am, Wed 11:05am-12:05pm, Thu 2:30-4pm

Course goals: To understand the fundamental principles of chemistry and see how it applies to everyday life, with particular interest in forensics.

Additional web-resources: I'm in the process of compiling a number of links that will help supplement your learning experience. Several of these present the material in a visual way. Animations included. [Please e-mail me if any of the links are broken.] Links are at:  Chem101 Links

Course requirements:
1. There will be in-class 10-minute quizzes every non-exam Thursday (of which the best eight will be applied towards credit) and two exams.

2. There will be NO collaboration on any quiz or exam.

3. Grade breakdown is as follows:
                8 Quizzes @ 3% each                24%
                2 Exams @ 18% each                36%
                Oral Presentation                          5%
                Written Paper                             10%
                Class Participation                      25%

4. Tentative Grading Scale (subject to change by the instructor at any time)
                A        85-100%
                B        70-84%
                C        55-69%
                D        40-54%
                F           0-39%
Appended + and - will approximately constitute 3% widths at either end of the scale for A-D grades.

5. There are no make-up quizzes or exams. If you have a very good reason for missing an exam you have to let me know beforehand. If I think your reason is valid, we will schedule an oral exam that week, where you show up at my office and I get to ask you anything I think you should know from class and give you a grade based on your response. Quizzes and Exams will strictly start at 9:15am. Don't be late!

6. We will discuss the requirements for the written paper and oral presentation in class. It will be on a topic related to chemistry of your own choosing.

7. Students are most welcome to come in during office hours. If I'm in my office and not swamped with work outside of my designated office hours, I will be happy to answer questions and discuss coursework. I check my e-mail reasonably often during working hours so you can contact me that way too. (Don't expect replies on weekends and evenings.)

8. All students are expected to adhere strictly to the Academic Integrity policy. Violations will be dealt with through the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, in accordance with the University of San Diego policy on academic integrity.

Suggestions of how to be successful in this class
1. Come to class, participate and learn! The more you actively engage in the class, the more everyone will get out of it.
2. Read the appropriate sections/chapters before class. Come prepared.
3. Try the suggested problems at the end of each chapter. Make sure you understand the material after each class, and go over it again if needed. If there's something you're unsure about, come by my office and ask.
4. Keep up. Don't fall behind. New material builds on old material.
5. Don't wait to the last minute to figure out what to do for your research presentation and paper. Spring Break is a good time to work on it! Feel free to give me drafts of your paper or presentation; I'll be happy to look at them.
(subject to change by the instructor at any time)

This is my projected game plan...

29 Jan    sections 3.1-3.5
31 Jan    Chapter 1, rest of 3

05 Feb    Chapter 2
07 Feb    Chapter 4

12 Feb    Chapter 4
14 Feb    Chapter 5

19 Feb    Chapter 5
21 Feb    Chapter 8

26 Feb    Chapter 8
28 Feb    Chapter 6

04 Mar    Chapter 7
06 Mar    Chapter 7

11 Mar    Summary and Review
13 Mar    Exam 1

Spring and Easter Break

25 Mar    Chapter 9
27 Mar    Chapter 10

01 Apr    Chapter 10
03 Apr    Chapter 11

08 Apr    Chapter 11
10 Apr    Chapter 12

15 Apr    Chapter 12
17 Apr    Chapter 13

22 Apr    Chapter 14
24 Apr    Chapter 14

29 Apr    Summary and Review
01 May    Exam 2

06 May    Project Presentations
08 May    Project Presentations

13 May    Dead Day. No class.
15 May    Evaluation of our class. Written Paper is due at the beginning of class, 9:15am. (There is no Final Exam.)

Suggested End of Chapter Review Questions and Problems
(updated after every lecture)

Jan 28 (Chap 3): 11, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 43, 45, 47, 49.

Jan 30 (Chap 1): 3. (Chap 3): 27, 53.

Feb 05 (Chap 3): 61, 63. (Chap 2): 7, 9, 29, 33, 35, 68.

Feb 07 (Chap 1): 31. (Chap 4): 1, 25.

Feb 12 (Chap 4): 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 29abc, 31, 34, 35, 37, 41, 43

Feb 14 (Chap 4): 47abc, 49, 51, 55, 62, 65, 67. (Chap 5): 7, 41.

Feb 19 (Chap 5): 9, 20, 21, 33

Feb 21 (Chap 5): 53, 57, 61

Feb 26 (Chap 8): 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43

Feb 28 (Chap 8): 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45

Mar 04 (Chap 6): 7, 14, 33

Mar 06 (Chap 6): 15, 16

Mar 11 (Chap 7): 21, 23, 27, 33, 35

Mar 25 (Chap 7): 4, 9, 10, 29

Mar 27 (Chap 7): 14, 47, 61

Apr 01 (Chap 7): 39, 41, 43, 49, 51, 62-68

Apr 10 (Chap 14): 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11

Apr 15 (Chap 14): 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18a, 20, 21

Apr 17 (Chap 12): 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 26, 28

Apr 22 (Chap 12): 19, 20, 21, 23, 30, 34

Last modified: 17 Jan 2008