Math 355 Section 1 - Calendar- Spring 2015

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 05 2015 at 10:33 AM
Be sure to check back often.
R is for the reading assignment
C is for exercises that are assigned and will be collected
NC is for exercises that are assigned but will not be collected



April 21
Lecture #19:
Fibonacci Sequence

Homework Due:
R 5.3
April 23
Quiz 8
Lecture #20:
Exponential Generating Functions

Homework Due:
R 5.7
Homework #11:
C 5.3: 9,10,11
C Problems
NC 5.3: 1
April 28
Lecture #21:
Banzhaf Power Index
Bell's Number

Homework Due:
R 6.3
April 30
Lecture #22:
Exponential Generating Function for Bell's Number
Inclusion Exclusion Principle

Homework Due:
R 7.1
Homework #12:
C 5.5: 1abf,2bcf,3
C Problems
NC 5.5: 1cde,4ade,6f
May 5
Quiz 9
Lecture #23:
Phi of n
Derangement's and the Hat Problem

Homework Due:
May 7
Lecture #24:
Questions for Exam

Homework Due:
Homework #13:
NC 5.7: 1,2,4,5
NC 7.1: 1,2,3,11,12,13,17
NC Problems
Final Exam
Thursday, May 14 at 8 AM

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