
clark research group gallery

Group Pictures Throughout the Years

Group Picture, December 2024


Group Picture at Department Picnic, May 2024


Group Picture, May 2023


Group Picture at Department Picnic, May 2023


Group Picture, Summer 2022


2022 Bocce Tournament Champions


Group Picture, Summer 2021


USD Summer Research Bocce Ball Champions, 2021


Summer 2019 Group Trip to Beach


Group Picture, Fall 2019


Group Picture, Fall 2018


Group Picture, Summer 2018


Summer 2017, group lunch at Café Coyote


Group Picture, Summer 2016


Summer 2016


ACS National Meeting San Diego, Spring 2016


Summer 2015


Spring 2014


Summer 2013


Spring 2012


Scholars Week Banquet: May 2011


Scholars Week Banquet: May, 2010


Scholars Week Poster Session: May, 2009


Scholars Week Poster Session: May, 2008

Peter Cannamela preparing for a semester abroad in Italy. I think he will miss the glove box a little too much!


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in Denver, Colorado, August 2024 

  Left to right: Emily Mendel, Taybor Rich, Dr. Sangyun Kim


Taybor Rich (left) and Sangyun Kim (right) presenting their poster


Taybor Rich (left) and Emily Mendel (right) at the “bar” 


ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Travel Award Winners, including Emily Mendel


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in San Francisco, California, August 2023

Sherry Khalil star struck with the Mole


Left to right: Emily Mendel, Braylon Bailey, Ashley Ziomek


Sherry Khalil (left) and Ashley Ziomek (right) presenting their poster


Moriah McLellan (left), Sarah Petty (middle), and Braylon Bailey (right) presenting their poster


Picture from the Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Conference, Thousand Oaks, California, Summer 2023

Left to right: Jayda Walsh, Sherry Khalil, Mary Margaret Warren, Ellie Meck, Moriah McLellan, Emily Mendel


Pictures from the National Organic Symposium in San Diego, California, June 2022

National Organic Symposium from top, left to right: Tim Clark, Josef Daniels, Mary Margaret Warren, Mark Mouch, Jack Hemphill, Taybor Rich, Olamide Idowu, Floria Li, Sheiva Iranfar, Sarah Petty, Chris Mauhay, Natalie Zachariou, Max Balderas


Taybor Rich (right) and Mark Mouch (middle) presenting their poster to Professor Doug Grotjahn (SDSU)


Mary Margaret Warren presenting her poster.


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in San Diego, CA, March 2022

From left to right: Max Balderas, Natalie Zachariou, Jack Hemphill, Hannah Stuebe, and Mark Mouch


From left to right: Natalie Zachariou, Mark Mouch, Max Balderas, and Hannah Stuebe


Lunch during the ACS meeting with other USD students attending the conference


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in Washington D.C., August 2017

From left to right: Stephanie Richardson-Solorzano, Stephen Hyland, Tim Clark, Taylor Thane, Maggie Nistler, Andre Samoshin, Chris Miller, Victor Tena-Perez


From left to right: Victor Tena-Perez, Maggie Nistler, Stephanie Richardson-Solorzano, Chris Miller, Taylor Thane


Taylor Thane (left) and Maggie Nistler (right) presenting their poster


Dr. Andrey Samoshin (left), Chris Miller (center), and Stephanie Richardson-Solorzano (right) presenting their poster


Picture from the National ACS Meeting in San Diego, CA, March 2012

Inorganic Division Poster Session Left to Right: Marissa Ringgold, Lillian Hale, Andrew Roering


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in Anaheim, CA, March 2011

Organic Division Poster Session Left to Right: Phillip Squier, John Scott, Lillian Hale, Tim Clark, Casey Medina, Ian Query


Hanging out in Anaheim.


Nick Huynh celebrating Halloween in the lab.


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, March 2010

 Organic Poster Session Students with Donald Matteson, Left to Right: Cameron Moore, Donald Matteson, Alicia Michael, and Melissa McIntosh


 Inorganic Poster Session Nick Isley
Having fun in San Francisco Left to Right: Cameron Moore, Alicia Michael (conductor), Nick Isley


Hanging out at the warf


Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2009

Group picture outside of the convention center in Salt Lake City Left to Right: Melissa McIntosh, Liza Koren-Selfridge, Hannah Londino, Tim Clark, and Jessica Vellucci


Inorganic Poster Session
Left to Right: Hannah Londino, Liza Koren-Selfridge, and Jessica Vellucci


Organic Poster Session
Left to Right: Hannah Londino, Liza Koren-Selfridge, Melissa McIntosh, Tim Clark, and Jessica Vellucci


Having fun at the exposition


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