clark research group gallery
Group Pictures Throughout the Years

Group Picture, Summer 2021

USD Summer Research Bocce Ball Champions, 2021

Summer 2019 Group Trip to Beach

Group Picture, Fall 2019

Group Picture, Fall 2018

Group Picture, Summer 2018

Clark group at ACS National Meeting in Washington DC, Summer 2017

Summer 2017, group lunch at Café Coyote

Group Picture, Summer 2016

Summer 2016

ACS National Meeting San Diego, Spring 2016

Summer 2015

Spring 2014

Summer 2013

Spring 2012

Scholars Week Banquet: May 2011

Scholars Week Banquet: May, 2010

Scholars Week Poster Session: May, 2009

Scholars Week Poster Session: May, 2008
Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2009

Group picture outside of the convention center in Salt Lake City
Left to Right: Melissa McIntosh, Liza Koren-Selfridge, Hannah Londino, Tim Clark, and Jessica Vellucci

Inorganic Poster Session
Left to Right: Hannah Londino, Liza Koren-Selfridge, and Jessica Vellucci

Organic Poster Session
Left to Right: Hannah Londino, Liza Koren-Selfridge, Melissa McIntosh, Tim Clark, and Jessica Vellucci

Having fun at the exposition
Pictures from the National ACS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, March 2010

Organic Poster Session
Students with Donald Matteson, Left to Right: Cameron Moore, Donald Matteson, Alicia Michael, and Melissa McIntosh

Inorganic Poster Session
Nick Isley

Having fun in San Francisco
Left to Right: Cameron Moore, Alicia Michael (conductor), Nick Isley

Hanging out at the warf
Picture from the National ACS Meeting in Anaheim, CA, March 2011

Organic Division Poster Session
Left to Right: Phillip Squier, John Scott, Lillian Hale, Tim Clark, Casey Medina, Ian Query

Hanging out in Anaheim.

Nick Huynh celebrating Halloween in the lab.
Group activities

Group party at the beach
Picture from the National ACS Meeting in San Diego, CA, March 2012

Inorganic Division Poster Session
Left to Right: Marissa Ringgold, Lillian Hale, Andrew Roering
Peter Cannamela preparing for a semester abroad in Italy. I think he will miss the glove box a little too much!