

Independent Publications
(*undergraduate student coauthor; %high school student co-author)

32. Le, N.; *Chuag, N. L.; *Oliver, C. M.; Samoshin, A. V.; *Hemphill, J. T.; *Morris, K. C.; *Hyland, S. N.; Guan, H.; Webster C. E.; Clark, T. B. “Hidden Role of Borane in Directed C-H Borylation: Rate Enhancement through Autocatalysis” ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13, 12877-12893.

31. Fomina, I. A.; Myers, C. R.; Soumis, C. L. M.; Scheuermann, M. L.; McCarty, J.; Clark, T. B.; O’Neil, G. W. “Regiodivergent Medium-Ring Oxasilacycle Synthesis from Diallylsilanes” Heterocycles, 2022, 104, 1966–1993. 

30. Myers, C. R.; Spaltenstein, P.; Baker, L. K.; Schwans, C. L.; Clark, T. B.; O’Neil, G. W. “Sequential Iodine-Mediated Diallysilane Rearrangement/Asymmetric Dihydroxylation: Synthesis and Reactions of Enantioenriched Oxasilacycles” Tetrahedron Letters, 2021, 82, 153392. 


29. *Auth, M. R.; McGarry, K. A.; Clark, T. B. “Phosphorus-Directed C–H Borylation” Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2021, 363, 2354-2365. 


28. *Morris, K. C.; *Wright, S. E.; Clark, T. B. “Phosphine-Directed sp3 C H, C O, and C N Borylation” Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 85, 14795–14801. 


27. Xu, F.; Duke, O. M.; Rojas, D.; *Eichelberger, H. M.; Kim, R. S.; Clark, T. B.; Watson, D. A. “Arylphosphonate-Directed Ortho C–H Borylation: Rapid Entry into Highly-Substituted Phosphoarenes” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 11988–11992. 


26. *Meyer, G. F.; *Nistler, M. A.; Samoshin, A. V.; *Thane, T. A.; *Ferber, C. J.; *McManus, B.; O’Neil, G. W.; Clark, T. B. “ß-Silyloxy Allylboronate Esters through an Aldehyde Borylation/Homologation Sequence” Tetrahedron Letters 2020, 61, 152082. 


25. Clark, T. B.; Cho, H. Y,  In Science of Synthesis: Advances in Organoboron Chemistry towards Organic Synthesis, Fernández, E., Ed.; Thieme: Stuttgart, (2019); p 131-182.

24. *Hyland, S. N.; *Meck, E. A.; Tortosa, M.; Clark, T. B. “α-Amidoboronate Esters by Amide-Directed Alkane C–H Borylation” Tetrahedron Letters, 2019, 60, 1096-1098.


23. Spaltenstein, P.; Cummins, E. J.; Yokuda, K.-M.; Kowalczyk, T.; Clark, T. B.; O’Neil, G. W. “Chemoselective Carbonyl Allylations with Alkoxyallylsiletanes” Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, 84, 4421-4428.


22. *Wright, S. E.; *Richardson-Solórzano, S.; Stewart, T. N.; *Miller, C. D.; *Morris, K. C..; Daley, C. J. A.; Clark, T. B. “Accessing Ambiphilic Phosphine Boronates through C-H Borylation by an Unforeseen Cationic Iridium Complex” Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2019, 58, 2834-2838.


21. López, A.; Clark, T. B.; Parra, A.; Tortosa, M. “Copper-Catalyzed Enantioselective Synthesis of β-Boron β-Amino Esters” Organic Letters 2017, 19, 6272–6275.


20. Clark, T. B.; Emmerson, D. G.; Honsberger, J. “From the Research Lab to the Classroom: A Multi-Faceted High School Chemistry Outreach Program” from "Educational and Outreach Projects from the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative Professional Development and Outreach Volume 2" ACS Symposium Series, 2017, Vol. 1259, Ch. 6, 69–84.


19. *Marcum, J. S.; McGarry, K. A.; *Ferber, C. J.; Clark, T. B. “Synthesis of Biaryl Ethers by the Copper-Catalyzed Chan–Evans–Lam Etherification from Benzylic Amines Boronate Esters” J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 7963–7969.


18. Clark, T. B. “α-Hydroxyboronate Esters: Formation and Synthetic Applications” Asian J. Org. Chem. 2016, 5, 31–42.


17. McGarry, K. A.; *Duenas, A. A.; Clark, T. B. “Selective Formation of ortho-Aminobenzylamines by the Copper-Catalyzed Amination of Benzylamine Boronate Esters” J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80, 7193–7204.


16. Hale, L. V. A.; Emmerson, D. G.; %Ling, E. F.; Roering, A. J.; *Ringgold, M. A.; Clark, T. B. “An ortho-Directed C–H Borylation/Suzuki Coupling Sequence in the Formation of Biphenylbenzylic Amines” Org. Chem. Frontiers. 2015, 2, 661–664.


15. Hale, L. V. A.; McGarry, K. A.; *Ringgold, M. A.; Clark, T. B. “Role of Hemilabile Diamine Ligands in the Amine-Directed C–H Borylation of Arenes” Organometallics 2015, 34, 51–55.


14. *Moore, C. M.; *Medina, C. R.; *Cannamela, P. C.; #McIntosh, M. L.; *Ferber, C. J.; Roering, A. J.; Clark, T. B. “Facile Formation of β-Hydroxyboronate Esters by a Cu-Catalyzed Diboration/Matteson Homologation Sequence” Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 6056–6059.


13. *Guan, W.; *Michael, A. K.; *Koren-Selfridge, L.; #McIntosh, M. L.; *Scott, J. P.; Clark, T. B. “Stereoselective Formation of Trisubstituted Vinyl Boronate Esters by the Acid-Mediated Elimination of α-Hydroxyboronate Esters” J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 7199–7204.


12. Crawford, K. M.; *Ramseyer, T. R.; Daley, C. J. A.; Clark, T. B. “Phosphine-Directed C–H Borylation Reactions: Facile and Selective Access to Phosphine-Substituted Arylboronate Esters” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 7589–7593.


11. Medina, C.; Carter, K. P.; Miller, M.; Clark, T. B.; O’Neil, G. W. “Stereocontrolled Synthesis of 1,3-Diols from Enones: Cooperative Lewis Base-Mediated Intramolecular Carbonyl Hydrosilylations” J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 9093–9101.


10. Roering, A. J.; *Hale, L. V. A.; *Squier, P. A.; *Ringgold, M. A.; *Butler, E. R.; Clark, T. B. “Iridium-Catalyzed, Substrate-Directed C–H Borylation Reactions of Benzylic Amines” Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 3558-3561.


9. *Query, I. P.; *Squier, P. A.; %Larson, E. M.; *Isley, N. A.; Clark, T. B. “Alkoxide-Catalyzed Reduction of Ketones with Pinacolborane” J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 6452–6456.


8. *Koren-Selfridge, L.; *Query, I. P.; *Hanson, J. A.; *Isley, N. A.; Guzei, I. A.; Clark, T. B. “Synthesis of Ruthenium Boryl Analogues of the Shvo Metal–Ligand Bifunctional Catalysts” Organometallics 2010, 29, 3896–3900.


7. McIntosh, M. L.; *Moore, C. M.; Clark, T. B. “Copper-Catalyzed Diboration of Ketones: Facile Synthesis of α-Hydroxyboronate Esters” Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 1996–1999.


6. *Koren-Selfridge, L.; *Londino, H. N.; *Vellucci, J. K.; *Simmons, B. J.; Casey, C. P.; Clark, T. B. “A Boron-Substituted Analogue of the Shvo Hydrogenation Catalyst: Catalytic Hydroboration of Aldehydes, Imine, and Ketones” Organometallics 2009, 28, 2085–2090.


Supervised Publications

5. Buchner, K. M.; Clark, T. B.; Loy, J. M. N.; Nguyen, T. X.; Woerpel, K. A. “Alkylidenesilacyclopropanes Derived from Allenes: Applications to the Selective Synthesis of Triols and Homoallylic Alcohols” Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2173–2175.


4. Casey, C. P.; Clark, T. B.; Guzei, I. A. “Intramolecular Trapping of an Intermediate in the Reduction of Imines by a Hydroxycyclopentadienyl Ruthenium Hydride: Support for a Concerted Outer Sphere Mechanism” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 11821–11827.


3. Clark, T. B.; Woerpel, K. A. “The Formation and Reactivity of Silacyclopropenes Derived from Siloxyalkynes: Stereoselective Formation of 1,2,4-Triols” Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 4109−4112.


2. Clark, T. B.; Woerpel, K. A. “Silver-Catalyzed Silacyclopropenation of 1-Heteroatom-Substituted Alkynes and Subsequent Rearrangement Reactions” Organometallics 2005, 24, 6212−6219.


1. Clark, T. B.; Woerpel, K. A. “Formation and Reactivity of Oxasilacyclopentenes Derived from Functionalized Alkynes” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 9522-9523.


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